Israel – Gaza: Savagery as Entertainment

By Tom Feeley

Let me ask a question. Do you think Israeli parent feels more pain for the death of their their children than Palestinian people do. It is sad that we find it necessary to state the obvious. We are one human family, there is no human subspecies. You may believe what you choose but facts show that we are all born from the same ancestors.

I am fortunate enough to have had the opportunity and honor to work and live in the Middle East, North Africa, Europe and Latin America. Before going to Oman I read the Holy Koran (English Translation). I was invited and was very pleased to go with my Islamic brothers to Mosque on Friday’s . Before traveling to India, I read and the Bhagavad Gita and joined my Hindu brothers and sisters at the temple. I do not suggest that I am In any way an expert on either of these religions or cultures. What I will say is that no matter where I traveled, I was always made to feel welcome and treated as a family member by those who had provided me with the opportunity of visiting their homes and sharing their food.

What ever differences we perceive between peoples is purely because the are raised in different cultures. (Social Constructs) Let us remind ourselves that Chimpanzees, our closest cousins have 98% of our DNA. Sometimes it appears that we allow ourselves to let rage and our lower animal instincts overcome our rational mind and a hundred thousand years conscience is swept away in barbarism. I don’t care what you describe yourself as, where you live or what religion you practice, beneath the veneer that we cloak ourselves in were all are scared humans in search security that that we can never find.

Something I don’t understand, Is why our community has become so silent while been aware of the crimes our government allows and pays for Israel to commit against humanity. I guess many are scared have been frightened to speaking their minds.

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Peace and joy to all of humanity .

Tom Feeley

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18 responses to “Israel – Gaza: Savagery as Entertainment”

  1. Prometheus Avatar

    “Something I don’t understand, Is why our community has become so silent while been aware of the crimes our government allows and pays for Israel to commit against humanity.”

    Social engineering, Tom.
    Religious ethics replaced by infotainment and wall to wall sports saturation, with its focus on competition uber a££€$ and a large dollop of Madi$on Avenue ‘because I’m worth it’ to sweeten the ego-ma$$age.
    Throw in media embeddedment (or €£$e, a la Shireeen Abu Akleh et al) and the incessant hasbara PR-op-agenda, and Joe Goebbels would be wetting himself with delight.

    Me, at 73 I’ve taken the marker out to scrawl ‘Gaza chamber’ on the wall because main$tr€am Irish media watchdogs have been thrown the requi$ite collaterally damaged bones, so letters to editors must fit the imperial Wi£d W€$tern supremacyst frameworKKK.
    No mystery, jU$t bU$in€$$ as U$ua£.

    Not silent, $i£€nced.

    1. Gary Avatar

      It is nice to see Tom is getting better and better in his critical analysis.

  2. philosophyofgoodnews Avatar

    People know the truth but instinctively keep silent about it. It’s the nature. When in pain, and many of us have experienced pain over the loss of the persons dear to us is not to seek revenge but to find the strength to stop. And be kind.

  3. Woopy Avatar

    The first amendment gives US citizens the right to free speech as long as nothing is said about the white supremists and their constituencies. Our congressmen are well aware of what side of the bread has the butter and consequences of using their constitutional free speech. When you are subservient to a plutocracy and its oligarchs obedience is your job, not working for the taxpayers or human rights.

  4. Markus Cooke Avatar
    Markus Cooke

    I stand with Israel because I am scared to death of AIPAC. That makes sense. These feckless bums don’t love Israel. They love power and massages.

  5. nelsonborelli Avatar

    Thank you for your good work Tom.

  6. Joe Cassese Avatar
    Joe Cassese

    Thank You Tom.

    Stay Well Brother

  7. Frannie Avatar

    Bless you Tom and Bless Palestine

  8. Akram Qursha Avatar
    Akram Qursha

    Dear Mr. Freely . You are ignoring one very important point that is so deer to jews , the almighty assignment of the “chosen ” to the jewish people . Even the most secular jew and most leftist will always find it convenient to drop all his creed when it suits him to play Jew

    1. Ray Joseph Cormier Avatar

      That’s because most Christians don’t understand and believe the New Testament “Common Era” delineated by Christ Jesus, means Jews no longer have exclusivity with God and treat modern Day Israel recreated from the Bible as an IDOL beyond reproach.

  9. doug Avatar

    People have remained silent and information censored for centuries. War crimes have only been considered “crimes” in recent history. Caesar, Alexander, Ghengis Khan waged war when crimes against humanity were interpreted as victory. Hard to remove ourselves from who we are and aspiring for a higher moral standard takes thousands of years. Time is running out for the human race. Sink or swim, the Universe moves on with or without. A pivotal moment when moral political leadership is completely lacking. Climate, pollution, over population, weapons of mass destruction, depleted essential resources will cull the herd and possibly cause a new human to evolved. There is no other option.

  10. Sue Avatar

    Thank you, Tom, for unfailingly carrying truth to us, your grateful readers.

  11. Maskeen Avatar

    May Allah bless you, Tom

  12. Ray Joseph Cormier Avatar

    Peace and joy to all of humanity was the message to the shepherds that 1st Christmas Eve.
    The 3rd part of the message is Good Will to ALL men, and that’s the part missing that precludes the Peace and Joy for all humanity

  13. […] Israel – Gaza: Savagery as Entertainment […]

  14. Vera Gottlieb Avatar
    Vera Gottlieb

    Same old same…only the Jewish pain is of importance.

  15. Ed M. Avatar
    Ed M.

    Mr. Feeley,

    I haven’t been able to open a single article from your newsletter for two weeks. That is until today. I suspected that my ISP (Public Library) was was the problem, as they have blocked me from using certain browsers in the past (the I.T. people admitted that their Google Chrome and Firefox browsers are ‘special’ and not available to the public.) The staff, here, assured me yesterday that they were not preventing me from opening the articles, but I have my doubts. I’ve supported you for many years, and I will continue to do so. However, I stopped using Paypal when they froze Consortium News’ donations, because they didn’t like their news reporting on Ukraine. I can still send donations by mail if this is alright with you. Keep up the good work, Tom and stay well!

    Ed. M

    1. xyz Avatar

      is the news reporting on ukraine straight from putin

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