It’s Not The ‘Israel-Hamas War’, It’s The Israel-Gaza Massacre

Calling it the Israel-Hamas war creates the false impression that this is a war that is directed exclusively at Hamas when it’s really an ethnic purge that’s directed at all Palestinians in Gaza.

By Caitlin Johnstone

Stop calling it the “Israel-Hamas war”. It’s the Israel-Gaza massacre. Calling it the Israel-Hamas war creates the false impression that this is a war that is directed exclusively at Hamas when it’s really an ethnic purge that’s directed at all Palestinians in Gaza. 

The child body count alone makes it clear that this isn’t a war against Hamas; I saw an anonymous account point out on Twitter that the number of children killed in this onslaught after one week already exceeds the total number of children killed after a year and a half of fighting in Ukraine, per the United Nations.

Laying complete siege to a civilian population and bombing anything that stands would be an extraordinary abomination in any war. And this is not a war, it’s an enclosed shooting range with military explosives and human targets.

Americans should probably worry about the rapid legitimization of this idea that civilians who have a government that kills people are all legitimate targets.

According to the logic of collective punishment we’re seeing circulated with regard to Gazans and Hamas, all American civilians deserve to die horribly because they permit themselves to be ruled by a regime which is orders of magnitude more violent and destructive than Hamas.

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Hamas is responsible for Hamas’ decisions, Israel is responsible for Israel’s decisions. Hamas is responsible for the Hamas attack, Israel is responsible for provoking that attack via apartheid abuses and for bombing civilians in retaliation for it. It’s not actually complicated.

Israel has been struggling with a rapidly worsening PR crisis ever since Palestinians started getting internet access and smartphones with video cameras and exposing Israeli apartheid abuses. So if you’re wondering why they cut off Gaza’s internet and electricity, that’s why. 

Israel was 100% aware that cutting off power and internet to Gaza would prevent Palestinians from recording and publishing footage of its coming war crimes. They struck a fatal blow to citizen journalism in Gaza, thereby blinding the whole world to what’s happening there.

The mass media asked you to believe the Hamas attack was “unprovoked”. Then they asked you to believe blatant babies-on-bayonets atrocity propaganda. Now they’re asking you to believe Jewish kids were in school before dawn on a Saturday morning in Israel. Western journalism, folks.

The only reason so many Israel apologists scrambled to circulate unverified stories about beheaded babies and mass rapes instead of waiting for evidence was to make the real atrocities Israel is perpetrating and will continue to perpetrate in Gaza look reasonable and appropriate.

After this current crisis is over I’m probably going to think a lot about the fact that MSNBC suspended three Muslim reporters during Israel’s Gaza assault because it didn’t want Muslims reporting on it.

I used to think all genocidal massacres are bad but then some really smart Israel apologists explained to me that this genocidal massacre is completely different because this genocidal massacre’s perpetrators believe they are doing the right thing for a good reason.

If there were two million Jewish people trapped by Christians in a giant open-air prison and placed under total siege, being told that half of them had 24 hours to relocate into the other half or be killed, nobody would have any confusion about what they were witnessing.

Everyone’s got a serious case of 9/11 brain right now.

You know about 9/11 brain, kids? It’s when something scary happens and everyone goes insane and starts believing a bunch of lies and consenting to power-serving agendas that do exponentially more damage than the initial trauma.

I keep getting people acting like it’s controversial or even outlandish to say that Israel is an apartheid state. It’s not. The leading mainstream western human rights groups say it’s apartheid, as does the top human rights group in Israel.

They said we need more censorship because of Covid. They said we need more censorship because of Russia. They said we need more censorship because of January 6. Now they say we need more censorship because of the Hamas attack.

Maybe they just want more censorship?

Before engaging an Israel apologist in a debate about the ongoing Gaza purge, it’s probably a good idea to ask them to clarify whether there’s any amount of death and destruction Israel could inflict there that would cause them to stop supporting what Israel is doing. Is there a death count that they’d consider too much? How many dead Palestinian civilians are they willing to tolerate in this current operation? Tell them to give you a number.

If they can’t give you a number and place a limit on how much human butchery they’re willing to accept from Israel, that tells you they’re not actually defending Israel for reasons that have anything to do with humanitarian concerns or valuing human life. They’re saying they’ll defend Israel no matter what it does and no matter how many atrocities it commits, because their support for Israel is entirely based on ideology and/or religion. In which case there’s no reason to continue the debate, because you can’t debate someone out of their Christian fundamentalism or Zionism or Islamophobia or whatever it is that’s driving their support. They’re not arguing with you out of any interest in morality or justice or truth or facts, they’re arguing with you solely to advance an agenda.

The greatest trick white anti-semites ever pulled was getting Jews to leave western society in droves and move to a far away country to spend their lives beating up Muslims.

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Views expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Information Clearing House.





16 responses to “It’s Not The ‘Israel-Hamas War’, It’s The Israel-Gaza Massacre”

  1. scrdmgl Avatar

    This present turn of events is in fact the result of the killing of last vestiges of so called Democracy in the land of Lincoln, when JFK was assassinated by the same forces in power in America today. That implies a solid coalition of dark elements of both partners in power running the affairs of state. Despite the powerful influence of Zionist elements in American life affecting all aspects of life at the time, nothin not even close to the absolute domination existing after that fateful day. It is impossible to deny the connection to world events before Dallas in Nov. 22 1963 and the day after .JFK openly refused to allow Israel to posses nuclear weapon and announced to David ben Gurion that from then on, Dimona (Israel’s center of nuclear investigation) was going to be periodically inspected to have a clear sight of its affairs. If we assume that there is any difference between the parties running the show in Washington, DC, and the Republicans are the worst of a bad lot, the man who delivered the republic to the Zionist entity in Israel after Dallas was a Democrat. Before that, the man who abrogated the right to run the US economy to a private banking concern in 1913 and took the country into WWI was also a Democrat. From then on FDR, Johnson, Carter, Clinton, Obama and today’s Joe Biden, they all belonged to the ‘People’s Party’ or so they tell us. There is no doubt that these elements have taken step by step the nation, and possibly the whole world to the coming abyss. Coincidence that the other half was not directly involved, maybe. But what’s the damn difference, however if the world is to end in a flash of light, let it be that at least the monster behind all of this, will also go with the rest of us as a consolation.

    1. Susan Siens Avatar
      Susan Siens

      Have you read Dark Quadrant? Democrats do not come out smelling in the least like a rose, more like a human sewage septic tank. There were many people who benefited from JFK’s murder, not the least of whom was LBJ who would have faced investigation for his coziness with organized crime.

      1. scrdmgl Avatar

        And also murder, since there was evidentiary proof of disposal of political opponents.
        He had a hatchet man by the name of Malcolm ‘Mac’ Wallace, who under orders from LBJ killed several people including his own loose lipped and promiscuous sister Josefa Johnson.
        Black history indeed, however there is a greater crime that enjoys complete impunity in the fact that everybody knows about it, and politicians on both sides of the isle keep mum about it to this very day. The only one ignoring this sordid history is the brainwashed American people.

  2. Prometheus Avatar

    “The greatest trick white anti-semites ever pulled was getting Jews to leave western society in droves and move to a far away country to spend their lives beating up Muslims.”

    Spot on.
    Finishing Uncle Adolf’s job of rendering Europe ‘judenrein’…bothe the U$ and Britain blocKKKed refugees from the death camps to direct them into Palestine to garisson Suez and the oil reservoir.
    And the PR-op-agenda is led by FRAMING the debate…so that Israel has ‘a right to defend itself’; not mentioning its indefensible fascistic tribal/sectarian criminality, sponsored by the Ang£o-$axon global pi££age idiots sending in their carrier fleets to brace Bibi’s bacKKKbone.

    And given that Arabs are a semitic people, Zionism is by definition antisemitic.

    1. scrdmgl Avatar

      Additionally, Hitler was correct in pointing to Judeo Zionist finance that controlled the world economy, then as well as now. What is most unfortunate is the fact that all the millions of Jews killed in the holocaust not even one, was guilty of any sin whatsoever. While Jewish Finance escape unharmed in Wall Street and in the center of Jewish power, the House of Rothschild in merry old England. Canada at the time was a free country, with a director of immigration who openly declared about Jews: ‘None is one too many’ and sent back ships with innocent Jewish refugees to Europe’s gas chambers. Today Canada, together with the United States of Israel is fully in their control.

      1. Tony Kaku Avatar
        Tony Kaku

        “the fact that all the millions of Jews killed in the holocaust not even one, was guilty of any sin whatsoever.”
        Every part of what you just wrote is rubbish. And how could you possibly know?

  3. Woopy Avatar

    After 70 years of genocide upon the Palestinians in particular, along with Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Iran and others, the apathetic people of the US still give Israel weapons and other aid worth over 30 billion dollars per year. The dumbed down US taxpayers mostly believe that Palestinians are terrorists trying to take Israeli land and that Israel has “the right to defend itself”. So instead of giving the Palestinians freedom and the same human rights of the white supremists who stole Palestine, the US wants to give Palestinians a concentration camp and starvation along with genocide. There’s been no change after 70 years of the same white supremist genocidal life style. The white supremacy in apartheid Israel owns the US taxpayers and their plutocracy of Washington DC; there is no hope for the US except to be slaves of the Israeli white supremacy.

    1. scrdmgl Avatar

      However Woopy, the odds of this new adventure of the US Evil Empire is hardly a sure bet.
      I’m old enough to remember when in my youth we lived through the Suez Canal crisis, when the great Egyptian leader Gamal Abdel Nasser in 1956 under threat of an American attack sank several ships into the canal threatening a global crisis of unforeseen economic and political consequences. Today the Evil Empire faces the same unsolvable problem, with even exponentially more serious consequences. That beautiful gift would be served cold by our brothers in Iran, who would not waste one single second to use the same tactics in the Strait of Hormuz canceling the life giving oil to the world, collapsing the economy across the globe. The Israeli/US alliance might try to attack Gaza but I doubt it that they can afford the consequences. Not to mention that at any moment Hezbollah, Sudan, Yemen, Jordan, Syria, Iraq and maybe Egypt, forced by a national regime toppling insurrection of its people against US puppet leader Al-Sissi.
      I wonder how many people are able to see the big picture of in this situation.

    2. Maynka Avatar

      Not all of US taxpayers consider Palestinians as terrorists. When we lay awake at night and wonder, how does Mr. Biden sleep at night. No man with good conscious can do that.

      1. scrdmgl Avatar

        Joe Biden is guilty of high treason by swearing allegiance to a foreign power, Israel.
        He has said so much himself ‘You don’t have to be Jewish to be a Zionist’.

  4. doug Avatar

    Once again the tail is wagging the dog. How many countries get TWO aircraft carrier groups on demand? Zelensky is on page 10 and Chuck Shummer is prioritizing a visit to Israel, a country the size of New Jersey. Always the victim, always defending itself as the rightful occupant of Israel after they stole it from the Palestinians and condemned them to life in a prison camp. Give the Israelis a chunk of Mars for their homeland and life on Earth would be much simpler.

    1. Woopy Avatar

      Doug, the white supremists of Israel have their origin in Russia from about 600ad and have based their criminal activities upon “victomhood” throughout the entirety of their existence. Forever they have been victims and have claimed at least 3 trillion dollars from their victim mantra. Dumbed down US taxpayers give them billions every year; they even have an “entitlement” of about 4 billion per year from US taxpayers.

  5. Tony Kaku Avatar
    Tony Kaku

    Another murder was committed in Dallas that day. We were told that American businessman Jack Ruby was very upset, and that’s why he shot “lone gunman” Lee Harvey Oswald. Decades later, I learned that the murderer’s name was Jacob Rubenstein. I think every American should know that.

  6. meofbillions Avatar

    We thought we had them
    – – –

    We thought we had them
    Tight-up sealed confined
    Sterile on shelves
    For time ourselves.

    And a tidbit now and then.
    Just something anything, hon?
    Something I need to munch,
    With a bun.

    Edible, usable, digestible?
    Piecemeal gold, silk, or meat
    Workable, wearable, comestible?

    Surely something animal, or other.
    We’re not greedy, though still needy
    After bloody mess, and brother!

    Why, there’s even now a plaza
    Near mia casa, where once was Gaza.
    And who knows where was Gaza?

    But no not no not nooo!
    Never again; them too?

    Hit them, pound them, bomb them there.
    As we fear, they’re still here!

  7. jsmnuk2764 Avatar


  8. Diane Beeny Avatar
    Diane Beeny

    In response to those – such as that pompous jackoff Bill Maher – who take offense to calling Palestine an “apartheid state” – as the national Peace Action director Kevin Martin points out – BOTH Nelson Mandela and Bishop Desmond Tutu referred to the Occupied PalestinianTerritories of Gaza and West Bank as “apartheid states” (or “worse”)… And one would think they would be reputable authorities on that topic…

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