WATCH: Solving 4 Wars

Economist and U.N. adviser Jeffery Sachs told the U.N. Security Council on Monday how the wars in Ukraine, Gaza, Syria and the Sahel can be quickly brought to an end. 

By Jeffery Sachs

Sachs breaks U.S.-imposed taboos on the causes of the Ukraine war, namely that it started with reckless U.S.-led NATO expansion and the violent 2014 coup. 

The Security Council held the open debate Monday under the agenda item of “Maintenance of international peace and security.”  

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Jeffrey David Sachs is an American economist, academic, public policy analyst, and former director of The Earth Institute at Columbia University, where he holds the title of University Professor. He is known for his work on sustainable development, economic development, and the fight to end poverty. Via ConsortiumNews

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15 responses to “WATCH: Solving 4 Wars”

  1. Whiskey Jack Avatar
    Whiskey Jack

    He makes perfect sense. For that reason, it will never happen.

  2. John V Ansara Avatar
    John V Ansara

    He makes perfect sense. For that reason, it would never succeed.

  3. scrdmgl Avatar

    Prof. Sachs like many others, fails miserably to even mention the desperate quest of a dying US Empire, to maintain world supremacy at any cost. As for the wars mentioned in his report, they are of vital importance for America’s strategic and geopolitical interests, and consequently completely devoid of any other consideration moral or otherwise. Only the coming economic and social implosion, will prevent this killing machine to keep operating outside the confines of a civilized world.

  4. Jim Avatar

    It’s easy for peace to prevail but no country is able to use this man’s words to that end.

    1. Peter J. Nickitas Avatar
      Peter J. Nickitas

      Mr. Sachs described a New, New Deal for the four war zones. He cited FDR in the end of his speech.

      I noticed the existing institutions that Mr. Sachs identified as suitable for sharing the burden to end the wars and start the development of the four war-torn regions. He cited the Belt and Road Initiative. He omitted the India Middle East Corridor. I submit for two good reasons: the Corridor exists only on paper as (b) a plan to continue imperial oppression of the Middle East and Palestine.

  5. philosophyofgoodnews Avatar

    Great to watch Mr.Sachs. Could be revealing to watch Mr. Carslon also. Plus read some words of Mr. Dylan.

  6. Rocco Avatar

    Lets call a spade a spade. The US, Israel, UK and Australia are puppets of criminal corporations. These bankers call themselves Jews, have no self respect or respect any justices, therefore they choose to be selfish and incompetent and must be held accountable. The UN is an Unsophisticated Nutcase with no moral or ethical obligation for justice, history stands as proof time and time again.

  7. Disadvantaged Avatar

    It was a nice speech, but it only prove how useless the U.N. really is as a viable institution. Each nation is going do what it want to do regardless of the consequences to protect its interest. It doesn’t matter how many resolutions are voted upon one way or another.

    So why not disband the U.N. and use the building to house illegal aliens flooding the United States. Fire all the useless people earning high salaries for doing very little and let them get a real job doing something useful besides writing reports.

    1. scrdmgl Avatar

      I’m probably older than you Disadvantaged, and I’ve been following the death march of the Evil Empire since I was a young man 65+ years ago. Every institution created at the end of WWII has been used by the US who funded, them for its own ends and interests. UN, WHO, WTO and all other entities of world jurisdiction. Pay attention to this verifiable fact, a man who was a high SS Officer from Austria during the war was named UN Secretary General 1972-1981 Kurt Waldheim!!!!!!!!
      In 1961 a Swedish diplomat was in that post, acting on behalf of the Republic of Congo trying to obtain freedom to exploit their natural resources for that country. He was assassinated by a CIA-MI6 plot that brought down his plane using a Belgian mercenary pilot. A pair of Swedish investigative reporters made a documental about it, and exposed the whole plot. Check the video which is available free in Youtube, I bought the DVD on Ebay. Since that time, there is not a single General Secretary of that organization that is worth a farthing, just mere puppets
      (or else). The same goes for all the other entities which are under US control.
      They all should be dissolved and moved to Geneva, Switzerland as a suitable location.

      1. scrdmgl Avatar

        The name of the diplomat was Dag Hammarskjold and the documentary’s name is
        ‘Who killed Dag Hammarskjold’.

      2. Disadvantaged Avatar


        I’m familiar with all the events you mentioned in your comment. You be surprised, if you knew that I am really old.

        Here is what I do not like about You Tube. The reason for that is I keep a list of videos to refer back to if I did to refresh the information available. One category is Illegal immigration in Europe. I had a list of over two hundred videos that showed the Muslims involved in unfavorable actions in Europe such as rapes, riots, and property damage. A couple of months ago, I went back to see if they were still available. They were all deleted except for 11 videos. I made a new list with the ones still available. I asked myself, how much censorship is involved with that company?

      3. Rocco Avatar

        It is not age that makes a person advantaged or disadvantaged. I recall you saying that you are Canadian. In the good years, Canada and Australia were seen as prosperous and neutral in their world agendas. Your leader for years has been speaking with a forked tongue. What have you done in your advantaged years to put a stop to the madness?

        1. Sam Avatar

          From where does this animosity arise?

        2. Disadvsntaged Avatar


          If your comment is referring to me (Disadvantaged), please be advised that I am not Canadian. I never visited Canada. I have no interest in that country.


  8. DBanfield Avatar

    Great speech however it will fall on deaf ears your dealing with psychological deranged Zionists whom have complete control in world affairs.

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