At This Point We Have To Always Assume Israel Is Lying Until Proven Otherwise

At this point the default assumption of any thinking person should be that all claims made by Israel are lies until proven otherwise by mountains of rock-solid evidence.

By Caitlin Johnstone

Israel is killing children at a historic rate, is killing an unprecedented number of journalists, and is starving half a million civilians while raining military explosives on a giant concentration camp. No part of this is complicated. No part of this is two-sided.

On Tuesday Israel killed a Palestinian baby girl who was born during the IDF bombing campaign on Gaza. They’ve been killing children so aggressively for so long now that they’re starting to kill children who were born after the child-killing began.

Seventeen days. Al-Amira Aisha got seventeen days on this planet before being crushed to death by an Israeli airstrike on her home in Rafah, alongside her two year-old brother Ahmed and 25 others who’d been living in the same apartment building. She never knew a day of peace.

A Washington Post investigative report into Israel’s attack on al-Shifa Hospital has found that “the evidence presented by the Israeli government falls short of showing that Hamas had been using the hospital as a command and control center.” The Post reports it came to this conclusion after “analysis of open-source visuals, satellite imagery and all of the publicly released IDF materials.”

At this point the default assumption of any thinking person should be that all claims made by Israel are lies until proven otherwise by mountains of rock-solid evidence.

The belief that Israel is trying to avoid civilian casualties is based on literally nothing. It has no evidentiary basis whatsoever. People believe it because they want to. Because believing it is more emotionally comfortable than facing the obvious reality.

There are two aspects to the war on journalism over Gaza. The first is a highly concentrated assault in Gaza itself where journalists are actively being assassinated, and the second is a worldwide assault where journalists who don’t follow the official line are being purged.

It’s so weird watching western rightists babble about how barbaric they think Muslims and their culture are while western culture amasses a mountain of ten thousand child corpses in Gaza.

When you see how effective the Houthis have been at using Yemen’s critical location to shut down Red Sea traffic, you understand why the US spent years backing a horrific genocidal military campaign trying to get rid of them.

It’s not okay for progressive Democrats to talk about how sad and bad the Gaza massacre is and how important a ceasefire is without naming Biden, as though it’s some remote foreign conflict that your president is just passively witnessing instead of actively facilitating.

Biden backed a genocide in Gaza, sabotaged peace negotiations in Ukraine to launch a world-threatening proxy war, and now we’re all praying that he doesn’t launch a new full-scale war with Hezbollah and/or Ansarallah. But you’re still meant to fiercely support his re-election.

Bush’s wars were dumb when they happened under Bush, and they’re even dumber now two decades later as they’re happening again after learning precisely nothing.

Claiming to support a “two-state solution” that Israel has never had any intention of permitting lets liberals pretend they can support Israel without supporting murder, tyranny, apartheid and abuse, and thus never need to experience any guilt or dissonance about their position.

There’s a single news story about international conflicts which keeps repeating itself again and again in different iterations, and that story is this: “US-centralized empire fights to secure domination of planet Earth, and some populations resist this.”

You’re seeing this story with Hamas, Hezbollah and Ansarallah today. That’s what you’ve been seeing with all the standoffs with Russia, China, Iran and North Korea. That’s what you see when the US-centralized power structure terrorizes nations in Latin America like Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia and Nicaragua.

It’s a giant empire attacking nations who have the temerity to insist on their own national sovereignty rather than being absorbed into the imperial blob. It uses full-scale wars, proxy conflicts, starvation sanctions and blockades, drone wars, CIA coups and deliberately fomented color revolutions to subvert any government which defies the US agenda of securing total planetary domination.

If you can understand this, you can understand pretty much any major international conflict in modern times.

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18 responses to “At This Point We Have To Always Assume Israel Is Lying Until Proven Otherwise”

  1. chrisirish67 Avatar

    “At this point”?lol when doesn’t isn’treal LIE.

    1. shaz48 Avatar


      1. Turtle island rise Avatar
        Turtle island rise


      2. Allan Kaplan Avatar
        Allan Kaplan

        ished before 1950’s and read for yourself what the evil Talmud commands the nutcases of Zionist evil doers what to do do to the Goyim (gentiles) and lesser Goyim (any and all the non-Christians of the world)! You blood will boil with anger. Being brought up as a Jew and former member of the Jewish terrorist organization (according to the FBI publications) Jewish Defense League, we as the young Jews were always indoctrinated to kill the Goyim at any and all costs. Destroy them through the art of “Deceptions”. Lie, cheat, steal, do any thing to cause harm to Goyim st any costs. We were taught by our parents and the Rabbis not to trust the Goy and to keep a safe distance because the evil filth Gentiles are the ones responsible for over 1030 expulsions of Jews from 103 countries in the lst 2000+ years of history culminating to the Holocaust (a fake crap that I know now of)! Jews can never be trusted no matter how close one can get to us including marrying a gentile or through any types of making them part of the family. Although I do not practice Judaism but often can’t forget what I was taught from the childhood till I was 45. Today being in 70’s I despise the evil teachings by our parents and the genocidal Jewish Synagogues and our Jewish Synagogues operated schools where the real evil indoctrination solidifies. Israel is an illegally created country and we Jews all know that because our Jewish super rich Rothschild family bribed and blackmailed the British and that followed in the new frontiers of the United States of America and prevails to this day. Proof is in the pudding…look how low and shameless the entire West including our religious organizations celebrating the mass murdering of the babies, children, elders, women under a fake canard of “Israel’s defense”. Defense from whom? Palestinians have no army, no aircrafts, no tanks, and no weapons to fight with. Our American chicken hawks who rans with the tails between their legs from Afghanistan leaving close to 100 billion dollars worth of weapons that are now being smuggled to many countries including the Hamas. Just imagine if Hamas has even 10% of the American weapons given to the Israelis to fight with Hamas? They will be in Tel Aviv by now as the chickenshit Israeli soldiers will be catching the first flight to New York and Los Angeles!

  2. paul edwards Avatar

    Zionist Israel is a sick, suppurating wound on the world that must be destroyed.

  3. Jerry Alatalo Avatar

    (Dark sarcasm) Do you mean the “40 Babies Beheaded!!!” story never happened, but the (thankfully, quickly debunked) story was an engineered global military-intelligence-media mindf**k/psychological operation?!

  4. Rhymer Avatar

    I think that I shall never see
    a horror more intense than thee.
    Oh Netanyahu, please soon die
    just like a comet in the sky.
    For Palestine will rise again–
    And Israel , no more can sin!

    1. ANN Avatar

      Thanks, Rhymer, what a nice thought!

  5. Prometheus Avatar

    “Israel is killing children at a historic rate, is killing an unprecedented number of journalists, and is starving half a million civilians while raining military explosives on a giant concentration camp. No part of this is complicated. No part of this is two-sided.”

    Ah, but it IS complex, Caitlin. And far more than ‘two-sided’, given the cartel of corporate interests sponsoring the Zionist decoy ducKKK for the WA$P imp€ria£ mob$t€rs puppeteering the mayhem from their country club armchairs as they watch their shares rise on the Nasdaq, Dow Jones, DAX, FTSE….the Great Game to scoop the monopo£y board of ‘full spectrum dominance’ goes back to Rome, and even beyond those imperial roads to our primitive simian cannibalism.
    If only it was as simple as the idiot clinging to his setting political star this inhuman b€$tia£ity would have been buried in Berlin in ’45.

  6. Annairam Avatar

    “The Palestine Laboratory” relates how Israel uses Palestine as a testing ground for methods of population segregation and control and then sells its newly developed weapons around the world under the label of “battle-tested weapons”

  7. doug Avatar

    Zionism has unprecedented influence on the American Party machines. War for profit has become a large part of the economy with no clear objective except to sell weapons and promote world conflict. The Ukrainians are the proxies the US fights Russia with, and the Israelis are becoming the proxies the US uses to fight Iran and the axis of resistance. Avoiding American deaths sanitizes the Pentagon inspired carnage. The mass murder of Gazans is passively accepted by most Americans because they lead self absorbed lives whose primary goals are to acquire and consume products made in China. The people and the leadership are a greedy , morally bankrupt, cruel society continually promoting itself while it rains hell on the rest of humanity.

  8. shmutzoid Avatar

    Israel, US, and Zionism in one paragraph——> With advance knowledge of the Oct. 7 Hamas attack, Israel let it happen and play out, and thus , under the cover of “war with Hamas” and “defending themselves”, created the pretext for implementing long-held plans to ethnically cleanse Gaza. —- The first Zionist congress in 1897 declared the goal of a “Palestine without Palestinians”. ————We are witnessing Nakbah 2,0, with Nakbah 1,0 in 1948. ———– The US undoubtedly also knew in advance of Oct.7, allowing Israel and the US to coordinate how this genocidal ethnic cleansing operation would provide cover for the US to instigate a war with Iran, initially through various militia groups aligned with Iran.
    Israel’s genocidal assault is a key component to the US imperium’s objective to open a second front in its war for Full Spectrum Dominance. Israel and the US should not be thought of as two separate entities.
    —–And here we are. ————-The End

    1. Doug Girard Avatar
      Doug Girard

      I could not read the article from The Wall Street Journal, but it’s headline was clear enough…..”Why We Must Face Iran Head On.” I doubt there was anything in the article about “how’s there’s plenty good money to be made, by supplying the Army with the tools of the trade;; but to be sure Smedley Butler’s bones shifted, if in fact he is buried in the ground.

      John Pilger……you and your lifetime of work will never be forgotten.

  9. drewhunkins Avatar

    There’s some real slick Zionist propaganda and manipulative distortions floating around and I’m getting a little irritated that otherwise independent media outlets and progressive intellects have done almost nothing recently to counter it.

    Dershowitz, Little Benny Shapiro and some other filth are gaining traction with this gibberish; therefore this must be immediately grabbed by the lapels, thrown down into its chair and told to stuff it.

    It goes something like this:

    “…For almost 20 years the Jordanians occupied the West Bank and the Egyptians occupied Gaza. Instead of fighting them and establishing an independent Palestinian state, what did Palestinians do? They joined forces with their occupiers and started a war against Israel.
    Then after losing the war that they started and Israel getting control over Gaza and the West Bank, all of sudden ‘occupation’ becomes an issue? Why didn’t Palestinians care when Jordanians/Egyptians were the occupiers?…”

    This is almost a where to begin?’ scenario. First, Israel plainly started the war. Everyone who’s not a pro-Israel shill realizes that basic point. Israeli officials themselves acknowledge this. Moreover, the Palestinian population did indeed care, rather deeply, about Zionist occupation prior to 1967. These are truisms not worth debating.

    The most important thing one must remember in the face of this misleading rubbish is that Egyptian and Jordanian “occupation” was essentially in name only. It was a feeble and spiritless occupation. The entire international community always understood the land was Palestinian and that Palestinians resided on it in profusion! Since c. 1896 when Herzl started his Zionist project, it was rabid Zionists who were continually encroaching and stealing Palestinian districts. The Jewish population of Palestine was roughly 8% c. 1896.

    You’ll hear the filthy genocide enablers ask you “who was Palestine’s president?” prior to 1967. This is their supposed gotcha question. Whoa! whoa! whoa! They got us!

    It takes the most disgusting, debased and racist liar to argue that Palestinians should have no truck with the Zio project and that the real villains were always Egypt and Jordan.

    All one has to do is read the classic book on this topic, David Hirst’s “Gun and the Olive Branch” (and some other scholarly works) to understand all this.

    1. nsakun Avatar

      most people do not want to argue honestly but in such a way that supports the outcome they desire. and they will discredit any argument as not being logical if it doesn’t justify the outcome they want. what are facts and what are desires becomes hard to distinguish. i am in this argument with those who justify putin. if i am critical of putin my argument is called illogical.

  10. LandOfCali Avatar


    💂🏻occupiers-1776-internationalizes-the 1ST INTER-national💂🏻


    Well under way


    2)DECOLONIZE👽 (our mindz)

    3)DISMANTLE, piece by piece, through PEACE😁

    4)DEMOGRAPHICS , plays out…

    Don’t remember the “Alamo”

    1. LandOfCali Avatar

      Crypto fascism….😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫sub-conscious or false consciousness


      1. LandOfCali Avatar

        Crypto “white” supremacy identity-ideology-mythology….

        Monotheistic-secular tranced—-😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫“white”…(really indo -europeons-middle easterners)… race “religion “, cult-culture, induced into the low consciousness amongst us, by their Fasci synarchy master-authority’s 🙏🏽🙏🏻

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