Tag: assange

  • Imperial Cartoons

    Imperial Cartoons

    By Paul Edwards Cartoons are pictures that ludicrously exaggerate and distort the unique characteristics of a subject. This distortion distinguishes them from portraits or precision images and gives them impact. The American Public is now exposed to three cartoons of critical importance, likely to have a powerful effect on the hive mind. The caricatures are…

  • We are Spartacus

    We are Spartacus

    The article by John Pilger draws parallels between the 1960 film “Spartacus”, its creators’ anti-McCarthyism stance, and current resistance against perceived American-led imperialism, freedom supression and media distortion. It highlights whistleblowers Julian Assange and David McBride as contemporary figures of resistance.

  • Over Assange, Britain’s press prefers to serve power not media freedom

    We might have expected British journalists to have turned the Julian Assange case into a cause celebre for press freedom and free speech. Not at all. Most of the mainstream media are silent or hostile, and are acting as instruments of the state. By Peter Oborne September 21/22, 2023 – Information Clearing House – Just…