Tag: china

  • Confident Dragon Lays Out Modernization Roadmap

    Confident Dragon Lays Out Modernization Roadmap

    In 2024, China’s focus is on driving modernization even faster, with an emphasis on high-quality development. The National People’s Congress laid out targets for sustainable economic growth, strategic investment, and emerging tech development. China will continue to champion the Global South through the Belt and Road Initiative and prioritize peaceful reunification with Taiwan.

  • Was Nuland Fired for Her Role In the Ukraine Debacle?

    Was Nuland Fired for Her Role In the Ukraine Debacle?

    Nuland’s retirement reflects the failure of Washington’s foreign policy in Ukraine. Nuland’s departure marks a significant change in direction. By Mike Whitney ictoria Nuland’s retirement is an admission that Washington’s premier foreign policy project has failed. No government official is more identified with the Ukraine fiasco than Nuland. She was on the ground micro-managing activities…

  • The Axis of Asymmetry takes on the ‘rules-based order’

    The Axis of Asymmetry takes on the ‘rules-based order’

    World War III is here, playing out asymmetrically in military, financial, and institutional battlefields, and the fight is an existential one. The western Hegemon, in truth, is at war against international law, and only ‘kinetic military action’ can bring it to heel. By Pepe Escobar The Axis of Asymmetry is in full swing. These are…

  • Heading into 3rd year of Russia-Ukraine conflict, NATO reveals its true nature as an undertaker

    Heading into 3rd year of Russia-Ukraine conflict, NATO reveals its true nature as an undertaker

    NATO seeks to maintain relevance and financial stability through conflict. Meanwhile, Russia remains open to negotiation but faces resistance from NATO and US political interests. The conflict poses significant risks and consequences for all involved. By Ai Jun The Russia-Ukraine conflict is about to enter its third year, and NATO has no plans to end…

  • Pepe Escobar: Five Variables Defining Our Future

    Pepe Escobar: Five Variables Defining Our Future

    By Pepe Escobar In the late 1930s, with WWII in motion, and only months before his assassination, Leon Trotsky already had a vision of what the future Empire of Chaos would be up to. “For Germany it was a question of ‘organizing Europe’. The United States must ‘organize’ the world. History is bringing mankind face…

  • War on Yemen? Don’t Expect A Cakewalk

    War on Yemen? Don’t Expect A Cakewalk

    The US aims to assert its dominance in the region, aligning with Israel’s strategic interests. By Mike Whitney On Wednesday, the Biden administration labeled the Houthis a “Specially Designated Global Terrorist group,” opening the door to the imposition of sweeping sanctions. Aid groups immediately responded with warnings that the designation threatens to greatly intensify Yemen’s…

  • Chinese Masterplan is a Thing of Beauty

    Chinese Masterplan is a Thing of Beauty

    The Hegemon, is in a tremendous hurry: it’s all about Divide and Rule. By Pepe Escobar As we enter incandescent 2024, four major trends will define the progress of interconnected Eurasia. 1.Financial/trade integration will be the norm. Russia and Iran already integrated their financial message transfer systems, bypassing SWIFT and trading in rials and rubles.…

  • Why Trump is right about North Korea

    Why Trump is right about North Korea

    At least he is interested in breaking with the past and facing reality about nukes By Doug Bandow With opinion polls showing Donald Trump ahead of Joe Biden in the 2024 race, Washington policymakers are contemplating the possibility of another Trump administration. No doubt there would be dramatic changes in U.S. foreign policy. Including, it…

  • Scott Ritter: On Speaking Plain ‘Putin’

    Scott Ritter: On Speaking Plain ‘Putin’

    The Western world’s understanding of the Russia-Ukraine conflict has been criticized for its lack of nuanced analysis and outdated Cold War perspective. The use of terms such as “invasion” versus “Special Military Operation” illustrates the need for a shared lexicon to accurately assess the situation. It is suggested that deeper understanding can come from an…

  • United Nations Honor, United States Shame in Gaza

    United Nations Honor, United States Shame in Gaza

    The U.S. is more than a protector of Israel. It is now an accomplice in its genocidal attack on the Palestinian By Jeffrey D. Sachs UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres honored the UN and human decency by invoking Article 99 of the UN Charter, calling for the UN Security Council to stop the killing in Gaza…

  • Why Join the Military to Defend Everyone Except Americans?

    Why Join the Military to Defend Everyone Except Americans?

    The U.S. military, backed by both Republicans and Democrats, is consistently involved in international conflicts, but is facing a recruitment crisis as fewer Americans are willing to serve. Factors contributing to the crisis include decreasing public confidence in the military, contentious foreign policy actions, and increasing debt levels. Despite efforts to solve the recruitment problem,…

  • Vice chief: US can handle Middle East, Ukraine, China missions all at once

    Vice chief: US can handle Middle East, Ukraine, China missions all at once

    Adm. Christopher Grady, the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, affirms that the U.S. military can manage three crises in the Middle East, Europe, and the South China Sea simultaneously. He underscores potential challenges like continued resolutions but reassures about the military’s capability.

  • The United Eunuchs of Europe

    The United Eunuchs of Europe

    Despite the EU’s rhetoric about enlargement enhancing its geopolitical power, expansion has done more harm than good, leading to economic decline, loss of strategic autonomy, and growing scepticism among member countries. Substantial institutional reforms and a shift from soft to hard power could be necessary for the EU to become a meaningful geopolitical actor.

  • U.S.-China Reset? Biden Offers Hand of Friendship to Xi While Holding Enmity in the Other

    U.S.-China Reset? Biden Offers Hand of Friendship to Xi While Holding Enmity in the Other

    The recent U.S.-China summit, with President Joe Biden, ended with lingering doubts over the future of relations between the two countries, despite seeming positive indications from Chinese media. Biden’s labeling of Chinese President Xi Jinping as a “dictator” during his solo press conference put a damper on the semblance of warmer relations. The meeting also…

  • Xi Jinping is Right About the U.S. Empire

    Xi Jinping is Right About the U.S. Empire

    Xi believes that as China’s economic strength grows, it pressures western dominance, resulting in a strategic backlash. By Jacob G. Hornberger On the eve of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s current visit to the United States, the New York Times published an article detailing some of Xi’s thoughts about the United States. The article states:  In…