Tag: hypocrisy

  • International Hypocrisy: The U.S., Once Again, Leads the Way

    International Hypocrisy: The U.S., Once Again, Leads the Way

    The author criticizes U.S. President Joe Biden and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for their unconditional support of Israel. Despite the condemnation of Hamas, he argues that the US and Canadian governments are overlooking Israel’s crimes, including its violation of Palestinians’ human rights and minimalizing their worth because many are Muslim. This article advocates for…

  • The West’s hypocrisy towards Gaza’s breakout is stomach-turning

    The West’s hypocrisy towards Gaza’s breakout is stomach-turning

    Jonathan Cook criticizes the West’s display of sympathy for Israel amidst the conflict with Palestine, drawing attention to the chronic and intense suffering of the Palestinians due to Israel’s aggressive actions. He condemns the Western media’s apparent indifference to the plight of Palestinians, whose repeated attacks from Israel have generated more suffering but less concern…