Tag: John Pilger

  • John Pilger: War by media and the triumph of propaganda

    John Pilger: War by media and the triumph of propaganda

    John Pilger argues that mainstream media fosters propaganda, leading to distorted public perception and dangerous geopolitical consequences. He highlights the failure of journalists to challenge government narratives, particularly concerning the Iraq war, and calls for a new era of journalism – one that scrutinizes power and champions the truth.

  • Death of a Hero: John Pilger RIP

    Death of a Hero: John Pilger RIP

    By Anthony Hayward John Pilger, who has died of pulmonary fibrosis aged 84, was a journalist who never shirked from saying the unsayable. Across half a century, in newspapers and in his documentary films – many for ITV, but later also in the cinema – he became an ever stronger voice for those without a…

  • We are Spartacus

    We are Spartacus

    The article by John Pilger draws parallels between the 1960 film “Spartacus”, its creators’ anti-McCarthyism stance, and current resistance against perceived American-led imperialism, freedom supression and media distortion. It highlights whistleblowers Julian Assange and David McBride as contemporary figures of resistance.