Will the Israelis perpetrate a clandestine 9/11-style terrorist attack in the US?

Will the Israelis perpetrate a clandestine 9/11-style terrorist attack in the U.S. to cover up their genocide, regain the media narrative, and help Biden’s reelection?

By Jad Melki

he second intifada, which started in September 2000, prompted unprecedented awareness of the Palestine liberation cause, especially in the US and Europe. I was a student back then at Kent State University—a university historically known for its activism and powerful protests, particularly the anti-Vietnam war demonstration in the 1960s and 1970s. It just happened that the same year the university commemorated the 50th anniversary of the Kent State University massacre, where the US soldiers shot and killed four students and wounded nine others in an attempt to dispel a major anti-war demonstration. 

The spirit of activism was so palpable that year. I could clearly feel the shift in solidarity and support in favor of the Palestinian cause on US campuses, thanks to the many Arab-American student groups that were established across American universities, but also due to the brutality of the Israeli occupation and its genocidal tendencies. A peak watershed moment that swung the pendulum in Palestine’s favor and exposed Zionist lies and brutality was the killing of Muhamad al Durra. The short video of 12-year-old Muhamad and his father crouching behind a small barrier, pleading for help, while Israeli snipers kept shooting at them, became the icon of the second intifada. The video “went viral” at a time when social media did not exist yet. It was the dawn of the internet and hard to predict that 23 years later, social media will show thousands of Muhamad Al-Durras being killed in cold-blood by the Israeli apartheid regime.

The Zionist movement in the West was so terrified from this sudden uptick in solidarity with Palestine on US campuses that the Israeli allocated millions of dollars in the past two decades to monitor University faculty, intimidate students, and target both with false “anti-Semitic” accusations and other fabrications. Dozens of groups, with direct ties to Israeli intelligence and its US lobbying arm AIPAC, were established for that particular purpose, including Camera on Campus, Canary Mission, and the Israel on Campus Coalition.  These groups illegally spy on US citizens and target any pro-Palestine students and faculty, especially the pro-Palestine Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement. Their goal was to avoid another wave of solidarity similar to the one triggered by the second intifada. 

And although the small pro-Palestine liberation wave in 2000 quickly subsided, it was not due to the pro-Israeli campus spy groups. It took a much bigger event.   

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Exactly one year after the second intifada, the September 11 terrorist attacks happened, and overnight much of the pro-Palestine sympathy and solidarity evaporated or was subordinated by the overwhelming news of the attacks by Al-Qaeda, an extremist group that was originally created, funded and supported by the CIA and the Saudi regime to fight the Russians in Afghanistan. It had nothing to do with Palestinians nor with Iraqis, but the US used it as a pretext to destroy Iraq—based on the weapons of mass destruction lie and other baseless fabrications. The Israelis too used 9/11 as a pretext to continue their ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, build more illegal settlements, steal more land, and imprison more Palestinians.

Today, again, the Israeli genocidal apartheid regime is losing the media narrative on an unprecedented global scale, and millions of Westerners are becoming aware of the 75-year-old injustice Palestinians have faced under the brutal Israeli occupation. All the Israeli lies and propaganda are not helping its case or hiding its crimes. People worldwide are becoming more educated about this historic injustice. The Israelis are running out of tricks, and all their millions of dollars invested in spying campus groups and lobbying pollical arms that fund thousands of US and European politicians’ election campaigns are falling flat on their faces. Even their attempt to fund a US politician with 20-million dollars to run against the outspoken Palestinian-American congresswoman Rashida Tlaib backfired, and the bribe was turned down by senate candidate Hill Harper, in a rare honorable stance in US politics, which is notoriously influenced by donations from lobbying and special interest groups. 

Even the historically pro-Israeli mainstream Western media were not able to counter the deluge of images disseminated on social media that has exposed the Israeli war on hospitals, bakeries, schools, and children in Gaza. But I have no doubt the Israelis will do something about this. It will be big, evil and murderous, designed to attract massive media attention and counter the enormous wave of pro-Palestine solidarity in the US—the country that has spent over 130 billion dollars of its taxpayer money to sustain this racist apartheid regime, money that could have gone to maintaining the crumbling US infrastructure or to support the declining education and healthcare systems in that country.

I am concerned that the Israeli Mossad will secretly conjure up a terrorist attack in the US or another Western country, at the scale of the 9/11 attacks, or even worse, in order to distract from their genocidal crimes in Palestine and in an attempt to win back the media narrative.

I don’t believe in conspiracy theories, but there is indisputable evidence of the strong connections between the Israeli intelligence and multiple extremist groups in Syria and Iraq, many of whom have been funded, armed, and supported directly by the Israeli Mossad, and others by the CIA. These extremist “rebel” groups are mercenaries who are willing to butcher and kill anyone in return for money. It is not inconceivable that the Mossad will direct one of these extremist groups to launch a terrorist attack in the West—an expensive and complicated operation that will require deep involvement by the Israelis. 

Many have been wondering where all these extremist groups disappeared in the past few weeks, and why they haven’t spoken out against Israeli crimes. In fact, some of their leaders came out and attacked the Palestinian resistance and tried to sow sectarian hatred and division between the different resistance groups, playing on the Sunni/Shia divisions, but their hateful calls fell on deaf ears. 

In addition, the Israelis have been using propaganda that targets Europeans and Westerners with claims that the Israelis are fighting terrorism in Palestine so it does not reach Europe. A terrorist attack in the West right now would hand the Israelis a golden opportunity to tell Western audiences “I told you so” and conflate between Palestinian resistance and extremist terrorism. Of course, the Palestinian resistance will have nothing to do with that, but both the Israelis and Western governments will take advantage of it to silence any pro-Palestine voice, justify continued support of the Israeli genocide, and use the attacks as a pretext for their own political agendas, just like they did after the 9/11 attacks. Just imagine what this will do to the plummeting popularity of the Biden administration and the unpopular European leaders today—a godsend for their reelection campaign. 

If it happens, western citizens should know that their governments will be complicit. It is inconceivable today after all the security precautions put in place since 9/11 that any terrorist operation could happen in the West without governments knowing in advance about it. A terrorist operation in the West will cost so much money and require so much intelligence and advanced weaponry, only major governments can afford and are capable of executing. It should also be clear to everybody that the main beneficiaries will be the genocidal Israeli apartheid regime and Western leaders who are losing elections, particularly US President Joe Biden.

Jad Melki, Director of the Institute of Media Research and Training, Lebanese American University. Via Al Mayadeen

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Views expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Information Clearing House.






19 responses to “Will the Israelis perpetrate a clandestine 9/11-style terrorist attack in the US?”

  1. Woopy Avatar

    Expect any kind of dirty trick from the Zionists.

    1. Jim Morgan Avatar

      Yes, another one.

      1. icarts Avatar

        #911truth NO Planes only Drones https://youtu.be/St7ny38gLp4?si=YU83nO9dlPNp88pw

      2. W. Poe White Avatar
        W. Poe White

        Indeed, another one. Jad Melki is playing dumb. He writes as if he didn’t know that Israel was responsible for the 9-11 false flag. If he doesn’t know then he either hasn’t looked very closely into the event or – more likely – knows but remains silent so as to not alienate left-wing Progressive Jews.

        Investigative journalist Christopher Bollyn demonstrated the responsibility of Israel for 9-11 (with help from some mostly Jewish Zionists in the US like Michael Chertoff and Dov Zakheim) beyond a shadow of a reasonable doubt over a decade ago.

        Christopher Bollyn Lecture in Dallas 2015 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVHstSrC1CQ&t=1s

        Bollyn’s pair of books on 9-11:
        Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World
        Solving 9-11: The Original Articles

  2. Jerry Alatalo Avatar

    Increasingly dangerous and desperate Nazi 4th Reich mRNA bioweapons mass murderers/war criminals will do increasingly desperate and dangerous things, – especially when they are fully aware of impending, rapidly approaching legal actions leading to prosecutions for their unprecedented, historic-magnitude 4-year-long mass murder crime spree, estimated to have killed 17,000,000 men, women and children worldwide.

    The article’s author Jad Melki is perfectly realistic to have very serious worries and suspicions.

  3. Sam Avatar

    Thank you for this warning and I believe it’s realistic, knowing the rabid convictions behind the political arm of the US Jewish Community.

    “It should also be clear to everybody that the main beneficiaries will be the genocidal Israeli apartheid regime and Western leaders who are losing elections, particularly US President Joe Biden.”

    The main beneficiaries will be the US Jewish Tribe who right now is in a struggle to maintain its image of victimhood. This is the real battle going on now, as countless Jews and Jewish groups are appearing on mass media outlets everywhere. The struggle is: “How can we keep the US government and population brainwashed into believing that the more we murder Palestinians the more we prove we are victims?”

    Since our human brains are constructed so that beliefs reign supreme, regardless of any fact or reason, I genuinely fear that Jews will attempt such an atrocious attack on the USA. Until I see a mass uprising in US Jews against the Zionist faction among them, I will continue to ascribe the despicable behavior of the rabid Zionist elements among them as a movement supported by the US Jewish community. Right now, it appears that this community cares for the survival of the Jewish Tribe more than it cares for truth and justice in the world. It appears that Jews regard their Jewishness above their own humanity. I say they must demonstrate to the world that I’m wrong in this observation, otherwise, my conclusions remain valid, beyond a reasonable doubt.

    1. Connie Avatar

      You seem to not realise that many Jews have been vehemently protesting what is happening supposedly in the name of the Jewish people. Your comment reeks of antisemitism. All Jews are not responsible for what is going on, and you seen to conflate Zionism with Judaism.

      1. Woopy Avatar

        Please Connie, save your victimhood and anti-Semitism defense for a scenario where they fit. Every time someone says something about Zionism doesn’t mean you need to pull out your victimhood card. Just be objective. The white Jews aren’t even Semitic.

        1. Prometheus Avatar

          Nor are they particulary Jewish…they have been an offshoot of Puritan Protestantism since British Israelism emerged in the late 16th century.
          The traumatised survivors of the western sponsored Nazi regime were fed into Palestine and indoctrinated with terror and displaced vendetta psychology by the same WASP puppeteers. The Israeli population are as disposable as Iraqis, Ukrainians or any other proxy, just as the indoctrinated German people traumatised by WW I and subsequent eKKKonomic war were disposable for Hitler’s banKKKers when they failed in their drive to break the Soviet attempt to escape the British imposed ‘balance of powers’ and Odolf threw them under the bus emerging from Stalingrad.
          Look behind the labels.

          1. W. Poe White Avatar
            W. Poe White

            “Nor are they particulary Jewish…they have been an offshoot of Puritan Protestantism since British Israelism emerged in the late 16th century.”

            So Ben Gurion, Jabotinsky, Begin, Shamir, Peres, Dayan, Sharon and the rest of their merry band were all just British agents and crypto-Anglicans?

            “WASP puppeteers”


            So all crimes of Jews are really being perpetrated under compulsion by eeevil white supreeemist nahtzees, the bogey-in-chief and root of all evil in the world, with Zionist Jews, the poor innocent darlings, being mere helpless patsies?

      2. W. Poe White Avatar
        W. Poe White

        Out of curiosity, how far are you willing to go, Connie?

        Are you in favor of the one-state solution of a liberal democratic Israel/Palestine with equal citizenship for both Jews and Palestinians?

        Do you support the Palestinian right of return?

        How about restitution of stolen Palestinian lands and other property?

        How about punishment of the still living perpetrators of the many, many atrocities Zionists have committed and are still committing?

        If by some miracle Israel and Palestine agreed to the one-state solution, would you be content to see Palestinians become the overwhelming majority of the population in the not too distant future due to higher Palestinian birthrate plus return of refugees?

        Would you look on with equanimity if preponderant economic and political power passed out of Jewish hands into Palestinian hands and Palestine became a de facto, if not de jure, Palestinian ethnostate?

  4. Andrew Katelaris Avatar
    Andrew Katelaris

    In 1967 the Israelis, using unmarked fighter jets attacked US spy ship, hoping to blame it on the Egyptians. Leopard doesnt change its spots

    1. scrdmgl Avatar

      That event is totally buried by the complicit MSM, since LBJ gave the order to ignore the obvious and intentional attack on that vessel and its crew. This event is comparable to the series of assassinations carried out by the regime in the sixties under the same administration.
      In due order JFK, Malcolm X, MLK Jr., and RFK. Eventually they also took out JFK Jr. as a possible winner of a future presidential election. Two killing machines working in unison, America and the Zionist Entity, anything can happen coming from these monsters.

      1. W. Poe White Avatar
        W. Poe White

        “Two killing machines working in unison, America and the Zionist Entity”

        There’s really only one killing machine here as America is firmly under ZOG control.

  5. floyd gardner Avatar
    floyd gardner

    An attack on the burned-out light bulb president himself would place the thoroughly vetted VP – and her Zionist hubbie in the driver’s seat, with a loyal electorate behind them.

  6. bill Andreasen Avatar
    bill Andreasen

    Where is Connie?

  7. truthaholics Avatar

    Though 9/11 was the Mother of All Inside Jobs, it’s true enough that ziopaths are capable if anything!

    1. W. Poe White Avatar
      W. Poe White

      9-11 was an OUTSIDE job with fifth column inside help. Israel was responsible. Mostly Jewish Zionists within the US provided indispensable aid.

      If you actually want the truth, listen to this lecture by investigative journalist Christopher Bollyn:

      Christopher Bollyn Lecture in Dallas 2015 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVHstSrC1CQ&t=1s

  8. Paulchen Avatar

    If they “will”? Read all reports on 9/11 carefully! Check those reporting of craftsmen and students working in some stories for months…..

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