Moscow on the Rocks

Russia will not initiate a diplomatic dialogue. A sense of threat is very real in Russia. Diplomatic channels conveyed this message to the Americans.

By Pepe Escobar

And then, casually, almost as an afterthought while meeting Donbass heroes, Putin announces he will run for President again in next March’s elections. Considering his massive popularity – at least 80% nationally – he’s bound to remain in power until 2030.

Welcome to VVP-2024. Plenty of time for serial meetings with his dear friend Xi Jinping. The Russia-China strategic partnership – in charge of paving the road to multipolarity – is scheduled to be rocking more progressively than Emerson, Lake and Palmer in Tarkus (“Have you walked in the stones of years?”)

These have been heady days in dazzling, snowy Moscow. To start with, let’s go on a roll call of all those indicators which are being reluctantly admitted even by rabid NATOstan media.

A manufacturing boom is in effect in a semi war economy. Investments are up, up and away – including by dodgy Russian oligarchs who can’t park their funds in the West anymore.

Tourism is up and up – including legions of Chinese tour groups and everyone and his neighbor from West, Central and South Asia. There’s an oil and gas export boom – as EU clients continue to buy gas via Turkey or to the delight of New Delhi, Repackaged in India oil.

The yuan replaces the U.S. dollar and the euro.

Import substitution rules – while in parallel Made in Turkey or Made in China products replace Europeans.

Last January, the IMF was betting that the Russian economy would shrink by 2.3%. Now this outpost of the Treasury Department admits Russian GDP will grow by 2.2%. Actually it’s 3%, according to Putin himself, based on figures provided by the “Disrupter” (as described by a Western rag), Madame Elvira Nabiullina.

Behind the Moveable Feast’s curtains

I have been privileged to be part of key meetings on everything from the latest in the Ukraine-Belarus front to still secret, top-flight studies on the ideal mechanism to bypass the U.S. dollar in payment settlements.

A small group of us, invited by the International Russophile Movement (MIR), were treated to a detailed visit to the astonishing Sretensky monastery complex, defined by mega cool guy Larry Johnson as an unparalleled architectural jewel where one may experience “the palpable presence of God.”

Then there was the requisite ritual, long, languid dinner with a stunning Princess in unmatchable Patriarch’s Ponds – Moscow’s Soho; talking to the young, future generation planning a new ground-breaking think tank in St. Petersburg; the mesmerizing Russia exhibition at the VDNKh – complete with a four-story underground bunker built by Rosatom to highlight the history of the Russian nuclear program.

Yes: there are replicas of the supersonic TU-144, the K3 Leninsky Komsomol nuclear submarine and even the Tsar Bomba. Not to mention Gagarin’s rocket lighted as if it’s starring on a psychedelic trip.

The spirit of Christmas in on at Red Square – complete with skating rink and countless Christmas trees from every Russian region displayed at GUM.

Welcome to the true multipolar Moveable Feast; and in the era of genocide in every smartphone, unlike Hemingway’s time a century ago, that’s not exactly taking place in gloomy and fearful Paris.

Dialogue at the highest diplomatic level, coordinated by MIR, followed Chatham House rules: we may talk about the – priceless – information debated and disclosed, but identities and affiliations should not be revealed.

That allows us to stress a few crucial points.

High-level Russian diplomacy was stunned to discover that Europe was much more dogmatic than many believed. “A new generation” is needed for dialogue to resume – but that does not seem to be in the cards anytime soon.

Embassies should work as mediators. Yet that’s not the case – especially when it comes to the U.S. Embassy in Moscow.

Russia will not (italics mine) initiate a diplomatic dialogue. A sense of threat is very real in Russia. Diplomatic channels conveyed this message to the Americans, behind closed doors.

On the wishful thinking by has-beens such as former NATO secretary-general Anders “Fogh of War” Rasmussen, bragging on blocking St. Petersburg out of the Baltic Sea: “This is something that may end up very badly.”

The abyss of NATO’s humiliation

Amidst what has been correctly described as “sovereign- organized hypocrisy”, there were glimpses of a possible united intellectual initiative between Russia, the Global South and a few dissident Americans and Europeans to steer the collected West into accepting multipolarity. Yet what reigns for now is what was defined as “dark patterns” – including a question still without an answer, posed by the gold, platinum and rare earth analytical standard, Alastair Crooke: how come the West was so supine to Woke-ism?

Much was learned about Russian adaptability to sanctions and the strengthening of the national character, parallel to the economy. So Nabiullina was right after all: no wonder Russians feel more self-confident than before.

Still there are no illusions when it comes to the multi-layered Hegemon-led Hybrid War: “Russia must be punished – and for many generations. Russians should know their place”. That mindset is not going away. So it takes a unified Russia under Putin and the Orthodox Church to fight something so “existentially serious”.

And then there’s the deep dimension of the Special Military Operation. What’s going on in the Donbass steppes is seen as a spiritual challenge as well. So the Hegelian spirit had to be evoked: people as a whole committed to victory – even more now as the Hegemon is completely freaking out staring at the abyss of NATO’s cosmic humiliation.

Considering all of the above, no wonder in each of my long walks in the middle of the Moscow night there was always a Milky Way of thought swirling by. Then I’d stop in one of my favorite digs, pour the last chilled vodka, and toast to galactic multipolarity. Far away but yet within reach.





19 responses to “Moscow on the Rocks”

  1. Woopy Avatar

    The US congressmen live in a fantasy world created by Zionist think tanks and beliefs that the US government is pro-human rights.

  2. Michael Harkness Avatar
    Michael Harkness

    I have had the experience in my life where certain places fill you with a feeling of great possibility. History is calling Russia to fulfil its great potential. It has so much to give the world and along with its multipolar brothers and sisters in BRICS it is moving towards a great awakening, where finally the European over lords, and I include the USA in that, are overthrown from global leadership. This gigantic global revolution will take place or as a species we must face oblivion but the possibility is there for a great tomorrow and Mr. Putin has the weight of history on his shoulders.

    1. scrdmgl Avatar

      Let’s make one thing perfectly clear, mine is a personal beef with Vladimir Putin and not with Russia. Despite being one of the main founding members of BRICS with China, Putin unlike Xi Jinpin is a true convert and supporter of unbridled Capitalism. That’s his biggest flaw since his decisions are forced reactions, under serious threat of US attack to either affect regime change
      ( back to traitor Yeltsin days of plunder) or obliteration if necessary as a last resort. How can we forget or ignore that the man wanted to be a member of NATO!!! and called the US and EU satraps our partners, even after the start of the Special Military Operation. All of this will become crystal clear in the next phase of the war with Kyiv, and how much Ukrainian territory including Transnistria and Odesa are integrated into the Russian Federation. Anybody with a clear mind can not avoid ignoring the fact that America, unless a coming US collapse takes place, will insert itself on any remaining rump part of Ukrainian territory to attempt Russia’s destruction even then.
      Complete take over of Ukraine might not be desirable, but is a necessity for Russia’s survival.

  3. Xaver Avatar

    Pepe as ever colourful, and goes to the deep roots of the russian soul! capitalism and capitalism has root differences and Mr Putyin is making one and he is right as the results show! MrXi has another type of capitalism but both has something the west does not: 3 steps planning based on collective decision making: short, midrange and future plan#1: 2 years #2: 10 years, #3: is 30+years and both are complying that revising constatntly but not deviating from IT IS THE WINNING formulae, and is not based on free robbery, neocolonialism, mass murder and mostly the ARROGANCE OF SUPERIORITY which in the reality does not exists coupled with stupidity as the west is showing and never following the west arts signs because that art for centuries criticised that order but deaf ears and b lind eyes met!

    1. scrdmgl Avatar

      All my comments about Putin and his beliefs and policies, are not of my invention or a fabrication. Russia is a very unequal society, and we must look beyond the glamour and glitz of
      Moscow and Saint Petersburg. I invite all readers to see free videos of Moscow summer nights, where the sons and daughters of Russian oligarchs flaunt their ill obtained riches stolen from the Russian people, given to them for free by traitor Boris Yeltsin. You’ll see them riding around the exclusive neighborhoods in late model Ferraris and Lamborghinis. If you lack moral reservations about this state of affairs, you’re not friend of mine. The real Russia is to be found in the rural areas and small towns and cities, not in the picture perfect areas.
      Putin’s patron is non other than the Jewish oligarch Roman Abramovich, the man who recommended him to Yeltsin for the post. Capitalism is the scourge of humanity and a dead end ideology and system, in fact is at the root of all problems in the world today as well as in the past.

      1. exot1c Avatar

        Your mistake is that you perceive Russia as it was 30 years ago. Today Russia is a more equal, modern, and technologically advanced state than it was 30 years ago. And in some respects even more modern than the USA. In terms of convenience and comfort, the central cities of Russia will surpass even Washington, and widespread digitalization allows a person to work and make purchases without leaving home. And you will not find such a level of social support as in Russia in any country in the world.

        1. scrdmgl Avatar

          Being a retired person and having followed politics all my life, I’ve looked and found videos of foreigners of all nationalities specially Americans, that either moved to Russia or have travelled to the interior, that show a much less idyllic picture than the one you admire so much. I repeat, your judgement is based on a few big cities and not the vast expanses of the country, besides you appear to support Capitalism as an ideal regime, proposition that I reject entirely. To each its own.

          1. exot1c Avatar

            Have you ever been to Russian cities to compare with what they tell you? I have been to different cities of Russia, to large metropolises, to smaller cities, and I have also been to the Russian outback. And I know exactly what I’m talking about. And as for capitalism, it has not taken root in Russia. The Russian mentality and capitalism are absolutely incompatible things. The oligarchs you mention serve the interests of Western countries, and their desire for personal enrichment has nothing in common with the Russian people. People call them liberals, but as Fyodor Dostoevsky put it: Our Russian liberal is first of all a lackey and only looks to clean someone’s boots.

          2. scrdmgl Avatar

            Dear exotlc: Agree about the oligarchs, however who do you think that runs the nation? the Russian people? they do. Your proposal is the same as saying that America is a Democracy and the people run the country’s affairs. Good Lord you believe in Santa, as such I can not argue with you since I’m a non believer.

          3. exot1c Avatar

            The country is governed by the United Russia political party. This is the largest of the 30 political parties, and the most respected.

    2. Woopy Avatar

      The US is a grab before someone else does culture and particularly the government. Long term planning has never been a part of the US government. In fact, there’s very little short planning either.

  4. exot1c Avatar

    As I said, there will be no negotiations. Russia has no one to negotiate with. Therefore, the war will continue until victory. And the war will end with the victory of Russia.

    The United States made a fatal mistake by starting a war against Russia, considering it weak. Because the conflict against Russia will very soon be the end of American hegemony.

    1. Woopy Avatar

      Exot1c, for Victoria Nuland and her ilk to have been allowed to start a war with Russia made no sense whatsoever. In the first place NATO/US can’t beat Russia in a war. If for some reason the US did get the upper hand and became a threat, Russia has been very clear and open that it will use its nuclear arsenal to protect itself. What about nuclear weapons do the people in Washington DC not understand? I know one thing for sure that Victoria Nuland and her gang are whackos and nobody should have to be subjected to her stupidity.

      1. exot1c Avatar

        Victoria Nuland and her gang believe that nothing threatens them in the United States, and that the anti-nuclear umbrella will protect them from retaliation. And of course, there are many in Washington who believe that Russia will not dare to use nuclear weapons. This is at least naive.

        Half a century ago, Americans were a great nation and aroused a sense of respect. They were enemies, but enemies who deserve respect. But decades of hegemony have turned the American nation and ruling class into pigs like Victoria Nuland, who evokes no feelings other than contempt and disgust. It is obvious that the American nation has simply degenerated. I’m not saying that all Americans are like this, there are some normal ones. But normal Americans are now in the minority.

        1. braithwa842 Avatar

          Just pointing out that while 95% of the USA congress and senate support the genocide, only 30% of USA citizens do. This shows that USA representatives DO NOT represent their citizens.

          1. exot1c Avatar

            However, in March 2022, over 70 percent of Americans supported the war in Ukraine.

  5. Steph.C Avatar

    I’m sorry to state that the average American does not give a damn about Iraq,Afghanistan,Ukraine or the slaughter in Gaza. You will rarely encounter any form of discussion or debate in American society. The populace wallows in an unrealistic psychological loyalties to their rulers.

    1. exot1c Avatar

      If you want discussion and debate, go to French or Russian forums.

  6. doug Avatar

    The Russian are building a functional multipolar society, while the Americans are experiencing a dysfunctional unipolar social decline, similar to the downfall of the USSR.

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