Paradigm Shift: A Time of Universal Lunacy and Deceit 

By Paul Edwards

An astonishing thing has happened in America that has never occurred in the lifetime of anyone now living.  No, it’s not the crushing win of Trump in Iowa, nor the absurd determination of Democrats to run the senile ninny who has made a joke of our Presidency for another term.  These, in their way astonishing, are mere trivialities in this time of universal lunacy and deceit.  

I mean an honest to god paradigm shift everyone can see that official wise men with public platforms and megaphones have not announced, or perhaps even noticed.  I’m talking about the first clear, undeniable instance of the failure of the American Empire’s Propaganda Machine.

It has been clear for decades, generations, that the American political elite has no regard for, and no sense of responsibility to,  the actual needs and desires of the ignorant, disorganized public.  It has always dealt with their inchoate hopes by indoctrination, by arousing and enlisting their imbecile enthusiasms in a mythology of tawdry, tribal patriotism based on the premise that they are a glorious, superior people whose leaders courageously embody and implement their magnificence all over the world.

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The techniques of propaganda are refined, but their effect is entirely due to grotesque pandering to the worst susceptibilities of the human ego: the desire to assert one’s superlative worth as a  member of a powerful, violent, conquering nation.  The force of that tactic, endlessly repeated, rendered American citizenry, with rare exceptions, one solid, deluded, unthinking mass, devoted to whatever vicious, imperial ends the political elite intended.

Their trained mass response, sure as that of performing seals, has, for the first time ever, failed in regard to the Gaza genocide.

Both parties in Congress are solidly behind their putative leaders in full support of whatever violence Nazi Zionist Israel inflicts on the Palestinian people.  This is true across the spectrum, from the pathetic halfwits and defectives in the MAGA sump to mock-noble, self-declared moral poseurs such as Bernie and AOL.  Tlaib is the one outcast who has dared to affirm the humanity of Palestinians, while the rest join solemnly to prevent a ceasefire, which would, they say, balk the Zionist’s “right of self-defence”. 

With this level of unanimity, solid from the addled, babbling, derelict President down, presented forcefully, continually, to the nation from every organ in the Propaganda Machine, the certain positive response was confidently awaited.  It has not come.

In spite of all our corrupt, Zionist-owned government has done to enlist its support for the wholesale murder of a people, the American public has not bought it, and is not coming around.   By an overwhelming majority Americans reject the message of the Machine, and adamantly disapprove of the Israeli genocide.

Try to recall a single moment when the diktat of the Machine was not ingested and regurgitated by the whole American public.  It took years and thousands of body bags to sour them on the Viet Nam horror.  The whole country was galvanized behind the lies that led to wars on Afghanistan, Iraq and its nonexistent WMDs, and it embraced the obscene “War on Terror” with all its follies.  

Recall the wildly dishonest demonization of Qaddafi, Assad and Iran that Americans swallowed.  When Putin was Hitlerized for exposing U.S. treachery in expanding NATO to Russia’s borders, and defending ethnic Russian Ukrainians from attacks by rabid Ukronazi Banderites, Americans ate it up and roared approval.

Xi of China is the next candidate for diabolization, but this first failure of the Machine will create doubt as to the ability of our rotten government to manage its victim people.  The question now is whether The Empire’s iron grip on their minds has been permanently impaired by its total, and totally despicable, support for the criminal brutality of an evil and illegitimate state.

It will be a delicious irony if the billionaire Zionists who bought our Congress find that the felon state it has supported against American interests has destroyed itself, and broken the death grip its money has exerted in subverting and betraying us all.

Depending on the endgame of the Zionist genocide—chiefly, on whether their murderous barbarity results in a deadly regional war—the effect on The Empire will be either crippling international infamy, or perilous, punishing engagement in a war that has the potential to utterly destroy many nations, including ours.

The American Empire has not represented the interests of its people for decades, if it ever did, and has only kept them in a kind of mental and emotional lockdown through controlling their perception of reality.  Nothing has been done for the generality of Americans since the last great threat to Capitalism in the Great Depression, which resulted in Social Security and Medicare.  

It is intriguing to wonder what grand advancements might come  for The People if the state were to be run for their benefit.  That, of course, will never happen under Imperial Capitalism which will fight to the end for its absolute rule by any means possible until it self destructs from massive and insoluble financial fraud, or is hammered and obliterated in an intentionally provoked war.

T.S. Elliot predicted long ago that the world would not end “in a bang, but a whimper”.  This seems unlikely now when the likely ends are implosion or explosion.  How profoundly sad it will be if the American people have thrown off the terrible strait jacket of imperial mind control just when it doesn’t matter any more.

Paul Edwards is a writer and film-maker in Montana. He can be reached at:

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36 responses to “Paradigm Shift: A Time of Universal Lunacy and Deceit ”

  1. chrisirish67 Avatar

    It is time for the 2nd American revolution that eliminates the corrupt federal govt.

    1. D K Shaw Avatar
      D K Shaw

      War for profit.

    2. Hank Jones Avatar
      Hank Jones

      Live by the sword . . . die by the sword.

  2. Jack Avatar

    Zionist Jews have bought and paid for the U.S. Government, they are in full control. Bibbi is the real Boss, he does whatever he wants, the American “sheeple” follow.

    1. jatheist900 Avatar

      I totally agree that the Zionists are in full control of America but the real bosses of America (and Israel) is not the psychopath Bibbi -he is controlled by the same group who control America and that is the super rich super powerful Zionists who are international but have their underground HQ in America and have been its director and ruler for at least the last hundred years.

  3. Chris Harries Avatar
    Chris Harries

    Medicare doesn’t date back ti the depression, does it? I think it was a Great Society thing.

    1. paul edwards Avatar

      The whole impulse for SS and Medicare originated in the New Deal revolution. Passage took time for the idea to find legal expression.

      1. braithwa842 Avatar

        Loved your article, Paul.
        It is darkly cynical.
        I think it is the truth.

  4. Kenneth Adams Avatar
    Kenneth Adams

    It is as if no one in the US Government knows of or has read the children’s book story ‘The Boy who cried Wolf.’

  5. Pat McSweeney Avatar
    Pat McSweeney

    SUPERB take-down of U.S. propaganda by Paul Edwards!

    Current irony: Today’s TV coverage of the Right to Life March in Washington, but zero reporting on the countless supporters who marched last week for Right to Life in Gaza!

  6. r9389998 Avatar

    You are dreaming! The majority of US citizens do not support Gaza! Have I missed millions rally in US for Palestinian? 340,000,000 American and 1 procent, 1 person per 100 is 3,400,000!

    1. paul edwards Avatar

      You’re a moron. Read the polling. It is overwhelming agains the Nazi Zionist genocide and in favor of just treatment for Palestinians. Of course American aren’t out in the street in huge numbers about it. Americans don’t demonstrate against their own abuse and humiliation.

      1. Marten Avatar

        Got it right, The Amerikan will stay in the (comfort Zone) not better here in Kanada !!!

    2. Hank Jones Avatar

      For those people who would swallow the narrative and hope all the “terrorists” in Gaza get killed, there’s always the “bioweapon vaccine” they also accept. Instant karma?

  7. Capo Avatar

    Unfortunately and sadly Americans do not comprehend the extent of their government being highly corrupt and prostituting themselves to their Zionist masters.Americans have a psychological patriotism in which they welcome propagandist lies in order not to accept reality.

    1. Sam Avatar

      Capo, thanks. The Tribe has not only accomplished the Conquest of Palestine, but now that it coerced Western nations into complicity with their war crimes and genocide, it can be said that The Tribe has now finally accomplished, “Conquest of the West.”

  8. Gene Avatar

    It is an insult to the Nazis to compare the with Jews. The alleged Nazis’ crimes and atrocities committed between 1933 and 1944 and used by Israel and its supporters to inflict barbaric terror on the Palestinian people pale in comparison to the crimes and atrocities committed by Jews today. The Nazis never bombed refugee camps, schools, synagogues and hospitals full of Jewish children and women. Jews are enjoying it every day, murdering Palestinian women and children en masses. More than 25000 innocent Palestinians – two third of them are children and babies – have been massacred by Jews since October 2023, with most of the world is turning blind eye if not arming and supporting Israel. Unlike the Nazis between 1933 and 1944, Jews pose the greatest threat to world’s peace and humanity itself.

    1. paul edwards Avatar

      It’s not possible to insult the Nazis. They were a psychotic monster clique vastly more destructive in terms of numbers than Israel’s puny efforts to destroy Palestinians. You obviously know nothing of history and are simply a Jew hater and Nazi apologist.

      1. gene Avatar

        You sound like a Nazi or a defender of Nazis. At least the Nazi were civilised. Israeli Nazis are counted on people like you to deny the Palestinian Genocide and exaggerate the Jews-fabricated Holohoax. Copy and past wont do you good.

        1. paul edwards Avatar

          You’re a contemptible idiot who knows nothing of actual history, and can’t keep your story straight. I have said the Nazis you absurdly call “civilized” were murderous, inhuman monsters and that the Zionist genocide is sick and evil beyond comparison. You are a dishonest illiterate, a bigot, a twisted embarrasment who doesn’t realize his own stupidity.

          1. Gene Avatar

            You are talking about yourself. The Nazis are the Israeli Jews. I do not know other Nazis. The “Nazis” that you call “Nazis” are civilised well-educated people. You are an ignorant anti-Muslim dirty racist.

    2. Scorpio-Dragon Avatar

      Gene, u sound like an old 🌍 world inbred albino-neaderthal…..settler-colonizer, fake “American”…

      Whose time has arrived, 2012-endgame-2012 baby….

      Crypto Fasci trance😵‍💫 the lowest consciousness among us🤫….

      Used by americanists-Nazi-Zionists, to do the dirty “work”…of crypto “white” supremacy….violent-superficial-materialistic….of dividing peeps through divisive, corrosive , toxic “energy”….

      Wouldn’t be surprised if ur a shill trying to discredit the website….🤔🤔🤔

      1. paul edwards Avatar

        Well said. Gene, your a ridiculous, illiterate imbecile.

      2. Gene Avatar

        You are the idiots who are trying to discredit the Website. I only live a few hundreds yard from Tom. If you are (and P Edward) bored and want to educate yourself, I am happy to offer my BBC (instead of drinks) for free. You will love the test.

        1. paul edwards Avatar

          You’re an embarrassment to ICH, Gene. What Tom wisely and generously makes available ought not to be desecrated and befouled by illiterate, deeply stupid drivel from a twisted, vacuous imbecile like you.

        2. Scorpio-Dragon Avatar

          Hey Gene, if I came over …you’d probably end up crying ….a child like man baby😭…🤣🤣🤣

          Like a lost little kid in an adult body🤭…wondering around, the new 🌎 world

          Stalkers always try and move into the neighborhood of those they stalk🤫🤔🤔provocative provocateurs 🤔induced😵‍💫 to harrass those that don’t toe the state-corporate Fasci lines….🤷🏿‍♀️🤷🏼

          1. Land-of-Cali Avatar

            Do crypto Fasci release “stalkers”…unstable peeps, on “dissidents”🤔🤔🤔🤷🏿‍♀️🤷🏼🤷🏼🤷🏿‍♀️
            Maybe so…maybe not💯it’s a spectrum.🙏🏻🙏🏽

  9. Robin Avatar

    Call them uberNazis! As we say here in México; sionismo? Jamás!

  10. Mayanka Avatar

    2/3 of the American people ( as I know it) are against Israeli and American governments on genocide of innocent civilians. Any human, in their right mind and all moral conscious, would be, otherwise they are not human. These 2/3 support a ceasefire NOW. But oh, but why is that NOT happening, We have been discussing this “CEASEFIRE NOW” for months and we continue to talk, and talk more while all those innocents are being destroyed from our planet?
    So. How does one go up against an all powerful monster, such as the Zionist? Maybe someone can explain and guide us here. …Thank you.

  11. Land-of-Cali Avatar

    Can’t get rid of zionism-nazism(MONOTHESTIC -secularism)or crypto (hidden trance😵‍💫…or sub-conscious)…”white” supremacy , untill we get rid of AMERICANISM(👽1492-invasion+💂🏻occupation-1776)🤫🤫🤫

    Crypto “white”(really undo-europeons/middle easterners)….supremacy race “religion” cults-cultures, induced😵‍💫into the masses, by their Fasci master-authority’s 🙏🏻🙏🏽

    1. Land-of-Cali Avatar

      Here’s the new paradigm -reality…🤫🤫🤫that the TV’s, are trying to distract distract distract ya from:

      FREE THE NORTH AMERICAN “reservations “ SYSYEMS💯…what would YOU🫵🏼say if Germany had “reservations” for Jewish brothers/sisters in the year of our CREATOR-creation, 2024?????



      💂🏻‍♀️OCCUPIERS-1776-the 1ST INTERNATIONAL💂🏻‍♀️

      Well under way


      2)DECOLONIZE👽 (our mindz)

      3)DISMANTLE, piece by piece, through PEACE😁

      4)DEMOGRAPHICS , plays out…

      Don’t remember the “Alamo”
      REMEMBER THE 4D’s…

      1. Scorpio-Dragon Avatar

        Nazism/zionism stems from….its father-inspiration, or the blueprint comes from AMERICANISM🤫🙏🏽🙏🏻

        That’s the new reality-paradigm, that the powers that be…want to remain HIDDEN….thats how it can and will come to an end! It keeps growing, untill we take out its ROOTS💯

  12. doug Avatar

    The American public won’t react to any tyranny unless their standard of living is significantly downgraded. The Romans got it right with “Bread and Circus” and Gobels in many ways pioneered controlling society with mass media propagandizing. We live in an all encompassing consumer driven matrix with AI emerging as a powerful new tool to control the masses. Gobels would be proud. Don’t Think, just Buy until you Die.

    1. Scorpio-Dragon Avatar

      Pandemic INQUISITION…pogroms are upon us🙏🏻🙏🏽(the cryptos might try and keep pushing em or go until about the year 2030-or the “great reset-WEF”, etc.)…

      then release a new mass “system-pogrom”…think new “cities”, digital currency, new symbols-words-concepts, mis-leaders🤭, etc.

      that induce people’s like it’s a Nazi-Disneyland HEAVEN, for pleasure seeking-seekers…by then the masses will be begging for “relief “….🤫🤫🤫

      Fleecing thy flocks, for “economic expansion-ism’s”…
      GENTRIFICATION and liquidation techniques are working their way through the unwashed masses….cattle-goy …systems or systemic!💯

      Musical chairs, and when the
      Music 🛑 stops…there won’t be enough chairs for EVERYONE🤫scarcity creates “profits”…so does narcissism-social pathology-psychopaths 💯at the “top”

      Da unwashed masses, Disoriented-spun upside down…right side up…spin cycle, then repeat!

      The crypto faaci synarchists, got the masses in a tizzy, dizzy, don’t know there “left from there righ”, up from down, etc.

      Shake all dem crypto “white” settler belly’s upside …see how much COIN 💰 you’ve been hiding from your master-authority’s…consciousness driven down, down, down….with INTENT to “divide and conquer”, crypto fasci intentional use-abuse-CONFUSE the unwashed masses🤫

  13. paul edwards Avatar

    Typo: You’re, not your.

  14. Land-of-Cali Avatar

    Old world 🌍….war war war merchandizers…red coats….merchants of death💯

    induce superficial-materialistic violent triggers-tic’s-mannerisms-tendencies-behaviors-memes, creating reactions, reactionary’s, with tic’s-memed or induced😵‍💫 into the masses🙏🏽🙏🏻


    Mic-militant industrial complex🙏🏻🙏🏽

    From “hunter-gathers” to consumer-spenders😵‍💫🤣, “modern man” my arse🤭

    Ya know what follows these OLD 🌍WORLDERS… into the NEW WORLD 🌎 AMERICAS…

    These “civil, civilized , civilization builders”….

    Sodom and gormorrah
    Tower of Babel



    💂🏻‍♀️OCCUPIERS-1776-the 1ST INTERNATIONAL💂🏻‍♀️

    Well under way!

    Fake Americans build “civilization “…


    Clean, pristine, water-air-land

    Civilization builders are parasites …live, parasite off WORLD 🌎 BUILDERS…

    What’s harder, requires more heart-INTELLIGENCE…

    Building a PLEASURE SEEKING , materialistic-superficial, violent uncivilized “Civilization”…


    Creating a HEALTHY 🌎 WORLD

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