Here We Go Again in the Holy Land

By Fred Reed

‘Nuther day, ‘nuther few morgue loads in Gaza. It has become almost boring, 25,000 dead and counting.  Should we go for a record?

But questions do arise to reinvigorate flagging interest. What kind of human will intentionally bomb a hospital? Or a refugee camp? Is there nothing so foul that an Israeli pilot will not do it? What could be more cowardly? What would it take to get you, the reader, to bomb a hospital’

Of course it is not the scale of what Israel is doing, but the dogged, unrelenting coldbloodedness of it, its shamelessness. It would never occur to a military man, Israeli or otherwise, to say, “No, I won’t do that.” In my decades of covering the armed forces I found officers often to be long on physical courage  but almost always to lack moral courage. Soldiers pride themselves on following orders and if the orders are to bomb a refugee camp, well, the pilot was just following orders. This is what Eichmann said, though he wasn’t a soldier. The cult of obedience removes all moral responsibility.

Note that Washington is as culpable as Israel for the slaughter in Gaza. Israel depends utterly for its survival on American support. If Washington told the Israelis to stand on their heads buck  naked and sing Yankee Doodle in three-part harmony, or lose all American support, in two minutes they would be upside down and wailing. The killing continues because Washington wants it to continue.

The historically literate will note that the mass deliberate bombing of civilians is not particularly Israeli, but an invention largely made and certainly perfected by the United States.  The British-American air war against Germany targeted civilians. Everyone knows about the firestorms in Hamburg and Dresden, and for that matter Hiroshima and Nagasaki, though countless other German cities were so targeted, with Tokyo being firebombed to burn thousands to death.  Germans who lived through this tell of exactly the results seen in Gaza, rubble, fire, dead and dying children. Plus ca change, plus ca doesn’t.

The eternal cry of the Jew: “The whole world hates me. What’s wrong with the whole world?” Well, here is an answer that will serve for a few decades. Before Gaza, there was around the web the usual low-key hostility to Jews, like the 4K background radiation. Now nice liberals make venomous comments about how Hitler should have finished, etc. For all I know, ninety percent of American Jews may oppose the killing, and certainly many do, but this doesn’t seem to matter. Selling the Holocaust will be harder for a few years. It will make no practical difference.

It is easy to see why. A friend, conservative, by no means a milquetoast, for a while watched video from Gaza. He saw a little girl, horribly hurt, legs gone but still alive, with adults, apparently her family, going stark bugfuck crazy. The child would not live for more than a minute or two, massive femoral bleeding being of short duration. My friend began sobbing, not his style. Never an antisemite, he is now.

This is what America supports, does, is. Tell me why itg isn’t so. Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Ukraine, now Gaza, Yemen, shortly China.

The truculent buffoon in the White House and his ventriloquists speak of “American values.” But America, as distinct from Americans,  has no values other than money, power, and empire. This is not dorm-room cynicism. It is fact. Individual Americans may believe in kindness, truth, human rights, and peace but to Washington these words are empty bottles to be filled with whatever meaning will best serve to shoo the sheep in the desired direction. And anyway Americans have no influence over what their country does.

In geopolitics, only the enforceable matters. Endless talk of violation of international law is merely tedious. Law is pointless if not enforced. It isn’t. Repetitive mooing about human rights equally is meaningless. -Any attempt to impose such rights would mean war with both Israel and the United States. Do you see any takers?

The “law of war” is equally a silly notion. No warring party will put itself at a disadvantage by declining to use some prohibited weapon, such as white phosphorous, or doing something disapproved, such as bombing civilians. The United States has never paid attention to the- law of war. Neither has Israel. Or, probably, anybody else. When I was in Marine infantry training at Camp Lejeune during Vietnam, we learned to use grenades of white-phosphorous, known colloquially as Willy Peter.

The United Nations has all the import of a high-school debate club in Arkansas but less backbone, producing much noise but no results. It is an obstacle to the most important things it is supposed to promote, and should be disbanded. It serves chiefly as a means of imposing American hegemony. For example, the entire planet except the US and Israel votes to end a pointless blockade of Cuba. Washington vetoed this. Most of the world wants a ceasefire in Gaza. America vetoes it. Instead of being a forum in which the nations of the world can decide on joint policies, it serves to prevent precisely this.

Perhaps history does repeat, like a slowly executing do-loop. In 1o099, the First Crusade took Jerusalem, establishing a Christian beachhead on the fringe of a sprawling Moslem world that hated them. The Christians depended crucially on Europe for men and support, and were finally vomited out after many years. Now Israel has established a Jewish beachhead on the fringes of a sprawling Moslem world that hates them, and depends crucially on the United States for support. {after the current killings, the Moslem world will hate the Jews for a very long time. They will not make a nice distinction between Zionists and Jews.

Perhaps the Jews will fare better than the Christians. It is not easy to see how. Israel’s population will always be minuscule in comparison with that of the Moslem world, or even of the nearby Moslem countries. bThe current Israeli pogrom will provide Moslem’s with the equivalent of the Holocaust, a multigenerational repository of hatred.  This too will make no difference as long as the US supports Israel and, Congress being a subcommittee of the Knesset, this support is not in immediate danger.

But the Empire declines and Asia rises. In two decades the world will be a different place. And should local Moslem nations get the Bomb, whether by purchase or development, Israel’s options, as we say, will be limited. The two-state solution, now apparently forever impossible, may one seem to have been a good idea.

The Israeli approach hi geopolitics has been to do anything it wants, brazen it out, and rely on America for protection. The American approach is to do anything it wants and dare anyone to do anything about it. But America is now like the aging tough in a mountain bar who once said, “I can llickany man in this bar”.  Now, getting on in years and putting on weight, he says, “I can lick everybody in the bar at once.” Iraq, Iran, Russia, China, Yemen, Syria. Maybe this will have a happy ending, but outside the bar. a cold wind is blowing.





26 responses to “Here We Go Again in the Holy Land”

  1. paul edwards Avatar

    Great work from Fred. Sound, solid and true.

  2. summitflyer Avatar

    More than sad and lost for words .

  3. chrisirish67 Avatar

    Exa what is “holy”about a blood soaked land. The isn’treal need rounded up and made to suffer the consequences.

    1. OTOH/IMHO Avatar

      You’d be surprised how few of them feel the need

  4. Jerry Alatalo Avatar

    Drinking oneself into a blind stupor at the corner bar while being belligerent to all the patrons, then pulling out a semi-automatic pistol and killing everyone in the bar in cold blood, is not the most ideal or successful strategy for winning friends and influencing people …

    1. paul edwards Avatar

      What does this have to do with anything in the article?

      1. Jerry Alatalo Avatar

        With a little mental exertion, you should figure it out. Best regards.

        1. Susan Siens Avatar
          Susan Siens

          Seemed pretty easy to figure out, Jerry!

    2. jatheist900 Avatar

      I remember ‘young’ Israel in the 1960s when the ‘refusnics’ made news by refusing to climb into their Israeli planes and drop bombs on defenseless Palestinians . That seemed to go on for quite a while but then I guess the Zionists were more careful not to employ young Jews with morals and made sure those they accepted besides having ability also were unburdened by morals. So these pilots would from that time be dedicated Zionists.And to zionists Palestinians in their own words are Scum, Animal, and Vermin

  5. Woopy Avatar

    For 70 or more years the white supremacy of Israel has committed atrocities upon the Semitic people of the middle east with impunity provided by the US. As then prime minister, Ariel Sharon said in 2001, “we, the Jewish people control America “. The US has provided the white people in Israel with weapons, money, expertise, plus protection for 70 years. The entire structure of the US government and economy are subservient to the “poor white victims” of Israel.

    1. Sam Avatar

      Woopy, when Ariel Sharon said in 2001, “we, the Jewish people control America,” do you think he meant Israeli Jews? Of course not. It’s the US Jews in the USA that control America. Isn’t this obvious? Thus, it’s up to us to make this known, that there are enemies of our democracy among us. Don’t be afraid of being called an antisemite. Don’t be afraid of Jews.

      The following link takes you to a list of US Jewish political groups, the leaders of which are the US Jews that control America in these matters. This control is not just of our government but also of public opinion, which is just as important. There are over 270 just in the USA and funding is in the billions of dollars.

  6. drewhunkins Avatar

    We have a Jewish supremacist problem in the Middle East and no one has the stones to call it out. It is irrefutable (read Israel Shahak “Jewish History, Jewish Religion”) that tenets of Judiasm think us gentiles are animals and deserve little consideration. 30,000 dead Palestinians can attest to this as well as all the Palestinian children being operated on without anesthetic. But wait, vets give animals anesthetic, so strike my last rhetorical riposte.

  7. michael english Avatar
    michael english

    plain talking . Jews never asks themselves why me? Never. With 6 million dead Jews tattooed with a number I wonder where number 6 million is today.

    1. Rick Avatar

      I saw a CIA document 2 decades ago, that stated that the 6 million is false, the number killed is closer to one tenth of that.

    2. Sam Avatar


      “Jews never asks themselves why me? Never.”

      It might give you the impression that they are mighty stupid. Of course they are. That’s the power of childhood assimilation of propaganda along with mother’s milk. The mothers and fathers had the same experience. It’s generational. It’s essentially children leading children.

      The result is that Jews suffer a kind of cultural PTSD that’s Biblical: they must do unto others the horrible things others have done unto them. The reason is because they have a uncompromising conviction that their tribe must survive for all eternity. Although such a conviction isn’t illegal or immoral in itself. It’s extremely problematic. So problematic that the ethnic cleansing, Apartheid, genocide, etc. we see now is inevitable.

      Jews need counseling on how to be a member of human society. They need to learn that their Jewishness is secondary to their humanity. They need to learn that their tribe need not exist forever, that the world doesn’t need their tribe and that they themselves don’t need their tribe. Then they won’t murder Palestinians because Palestinians are not Jews.

      1. Steven Rowlandson Avatar
        Steven Rowlandson

        Jews ought to meditate on the consequences of proving Jesus as quoted in John 8:44 correct all the time. All devils wind up in Hell sooner or later…

  8. Sol Avatar

    Good points though not 25000 dead, the official number is over 27000, and that is false too, the real number is much much higher, the 27000 is the recovered bodies.
    Here some more questions and answers, if you can survive my typos.

  9. Prometheus Avatar

    I was brought up with Jewish neighbours in Dublin. I’ve worked with Jews and socialised with them both at home and abroad. All were decent, honest and generous people.
    Kindly curtail your $£oppy generalisations of these people as being as a whole accessories after the brutal facts on the bloodsoaked ground and look behind the hasbara of sectarian racism that stems from centuries of European white supremacist pi££age under the symbol of the cross, amplified by British Israelism stemming from Puritan Protestantism in the 16th century, itself a throwbacKKK to feudal Crusader war£ordism and harking back to Roman imperial occupation of Palestine 2 millennia back.
    Antisemitism originally included Arabs, a Semitic people, before the Brits honed their sectarian financial wedge under Rot$chi£d and ‘Bloody’ Balfour to see off the Kaiser challenger and secure Suez and the ongoing pi££age of the region’s resources. The same banKKKing and indU$tria£ puppeteers built Adolf as their means to take Russia down as drew their Sykes-Picot lines in the sand back in 1916, and funnelled the survivors into Palestine for deflection of their trauma onto the indigenous peoples of western Asia and allow Germany out of jail free, other than the brief show trials at Nurenburg. Thus I$ra€£ fulfils Adolf’s task of rendering Europe judenrein.
    Try NOT to fall for the PR-op-agenda of the Wa££ $t/City of £ondon financia£ $orc€rors’ apprentices cacKKK£ing as they stir their Gaza b£oodbath$.
    Netanyahu, Smotrich, Ben Gvir and their demented cronies do NOT stand for ‘Jews’, but for their own mob$ter c£o$€t worshippers of Mars, deity of war and ye o£de Mar-KKKet.
    ‘Divide et impera’ remains their ritual mantra. Their ARE Jews in the gang, but they are NOT the gang. Know the difference.

    1. Rick Avatar

      It is my understanding that Russia was a silent partner of the then secret Sykes-Picot agreement along with Italy. Russia and Italy both gave their assent to it.

  10. TomB Avatar

    One possible way to put a stop to this is an approach I have long advocated: a tax protest. It’s completely legal, and it hits those in power where it hurts: right in the pocket book, so to speak. If one could be organized, it would, I believe, be effective in putting an end to the government lawlessness that prevails. The only catch is getting Americans to work together toward a common goal much as the antiwar and civil rights movements of the 1960s. It’s come down to either pulling together to take back our humanity, or submitting to being the instrument of our own demise as a people.

  11. Susan Siens Avatar
    Susan Siens

    What you describe at the beginning of your essay reminds me of M Scott Peck: It takes no courage when there is not only a gun pointing at your front but one at your back. For those who don’t understand this, he was talking about being a soldier.

  12. exot1c Avatar

    It has long been a tradition for Western countries to go on bloody crusades to the east. Only before, Europeans carried out crusades by killing Saracens, and today, continuing the bloody traditions of Europe, Americans and Jews do this.

    1. Sam Avatar

      Woopy, when Ariel Sharon said in 2001, “we, the Jewish people control America,” do you think he meant Israeli Jews? Of course not. It’s the US Jews in the USA that control America. Isn’t this obvious? Thus, it’s up to us to make this known, that there are enemies of our democracy among us. Don’t be afraid of being called an antisemite. Don’t be afraid of Jews.

      The following link takes you to a list of US Jewish political groups, the leaders of which are the US Jews that control America in these matters. The control is not just of our government but also of public opinion, which is just as important. There are over 270 just in the USA and funding is in the billions of dollars.

      1. Steven Rowlandson Avatar
        Steven Rowlandson

        Ariel Sharon meant Jews especially the organized ones both in America and Israel. Israel isn’t an American colony. Europe, Russia, the British commonwealth and North America are Israeli/ Jewish colonies.
        Remember to find out who rules over you first find out whom you are not allowed to criticize. It is always Jews and to some degree the LGBTQ+ community that you may not criticize. Where these power groups and their proxies rule the devil rules also.

  13. doug Avatar

    The mass murder machine has been employed by all races, religious persuasions and political parties throughout history. Homicide is part of human DNA. The normalization of genocide by US/Israeli govts. , throws the thin veneer of civilization out the window that was cultivated at the end of WW2. Anilation of any adversary by any means can now be considered self defense.

  14. LittleRedWorm Avatar

    The UN is the only global governing body we have. All that needs to happen to make it true to its name ‘the United Nations’ is to remove the veto right and increase the number of permanent members of the security council to reflect today’s geopolitics. Then let the majority vote count. This surely is the democratic way. Yes, the richest nations could still pay for other nations to align their votes with them, but surely it is better than the stand over tactics used by the current US/UK World War 2 relic.

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