Carlson Interviews Vladimir Putin

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26 responses to “Carlson Interviews Vladimir Putin”

  1. AussieManDust Avatar

    Where is it, please?

  2. James Avatar


    1. AussieManDust Avatar

      🤣🤣🤣 ooooh . Knock knock! WHO’S THERE? “the truth”. WHAAAAT! THE TRUTH… WHO? Exactly.

  3. JimofOlym Avatar

    Can anyone in the US fanticize for a minute than any recent President of the US give without
    help such a history of the US and how it evolved? I’m impressed by Putin’s history of Ukraine and Russia?

    1. peskyvera Avatar

      AND…without teleprompter…

  4. Jim Takahashi Avatar
    Jim Takahashi

    The TrumPooTin reunion is on its way.😖

  5. summitflyer Avatar

    I hope the Western world watched this interview .IMO it was sincere .President Vladimir Putin has an excellent historical memory to go back this far into the history of this geographical area of the world.What was most important was the history since the dissolution of the USSR and what happened after .I have been keeping records of the events and all of what was said in this interview was quite correct .Lastly I hope that most of us in the Western world will gain an appreciation for the Russian people ,their multi ethnic culture and religious diversity all under the umbrella of the federation . We can then start on the road to peace in our world vs never ending conflict. Tucker did a good job ,by the way , in eliciting what we in the West needed to hear from the President of Russia . The rest is now up to us to choose the path of peace and respect for each other .

  6. Rod Diplock Avatar
    Rod Diplock

    Tucker gave a good impression of a CIA front on a leash … I can’t help but wonder who Tucker really works for?? I suspect that ‘his petticoat was showing’ …
    My immersion in Western propaganda and conditioning cultivated the erroneous idea that Putin is an untrustworthy snake, however, whomever is handling him is making him sound like a genuine certifiable, Russian Patriot, as he should be. A bloody marvellous and remarkable human being … Is it any wonder that the DS wants him dead, by yesterday?

    1. Peter Hollings Avatar
      Peter Hollings

      Would a “CIA front on a leash” be taking the positions that Tucker Carlson is? Perhaps. I have been watching his Bret Weinstein interviews. They are broadly based, factual and coherent . But, they stop short of any mention of the known military/intelligence community involvement in creating both the virus and the vaccine. I admit the “our government is attacking us” is a scary story. Maybe that is something they think their audience is not prepared for. Maybe getting into that would be crossing a bright line for the CIA.

  7. Icy Strait Now Avatar
    Icy Strait Now

    Vladimir Putin consistently appears to be a very intelligent and passionate man who is determined to honestly protect and preserve his country from the “New World Odor”. Many of our highly paid “experts” in Government, usually compromised by the Globalists, clearly want to keep him as their “Boogeyman” when he is obviously very sincere… It should be abundantly obvious that he is clearly determined and well prepared to defend his Country from the hegemonic and moronic NATO that to a large degree has been powered by American taxpayers and the military industrial complex. Hopefully this will help people to WAKE UP before it is too late! Thank You Tucker Carlson for making this all too rare glimpse of reality possible!

  8. Jerry Alatalo Avatar

    When will Tucker Carlson be interviewing retired police officer/now attorney David Meiswinkle, to discuss the organization Mr. Meiswinkle founded – especially its powerful 82-page legal document calling for Grand Jury investigations into the immeasurable crimes against humanity committed during the past four COVID nightmare years on Earth?

    The mRNA bioweapons mass murder crimes are STILL ongoing, and the mass murderers are STILL freely walking this Earth… Please share the 82-page legal bombshell with your nearest prosecuting attorney. Thank you.

  9. Simin Nejad Avatar
    Simin Nejad

    Great and perfect, smart and knowledgeable leader!

  10. John Sutherland Avatar

    The more I see Putin, the more I like him. Can you imagine Tucker interviewing Biden? Neither can I. I could see a Trump interview though. I suspect the language difference made the Putin interview a bit more challenging than if they had both spoken the same language, but Putin and Tucker both did well. In my opinion.

  11. Leona Fernandez Avatar
    Leona Fernandez

    It was a great interview for sure. I absolutely adore Tucker and have always been a big fan of Putin. He is a true leader and defender of his people and country. In Canada we have a BIG BONE HEAD (Mr. Crime Minister Trudope) who is driving Canada into a hell in a hand basket and he is damn proud of it. He is just another western world PUPPET of the WEF/WHO/UN Monster Genocide Mobs from Hell. May God have mercy on us all.

    1. AussieManDust Avatar

      Ah yes, TrueTurd! And his NAZI bitch deputy prime monster! Zeig heil, bitches!

  12. exot1c Avatar

    I hope this interview will be armor-piercing enough to break through the information iron curtain hanging over America. People have the right to know the truth that the authorities are hiding from them.

    1. Tony L. Avatar
      Tony L.

      Good luck on that one. It’s been totally ignored by the mainstream.

  13. Asarulislam Syed Avatar

    When Tucker becomes the Vice President of USA as it looks like from the intentions and rumors from the Republican Camp, this interview will haunt him. He makes facial expressions of a School Boy on his first day in a class of Calculus.

    1. AussieManDust Avatar

      Isn’t it incredible that even Amerika’s most informed “journalist” is ignorant of actual History? Versus Putin, Carlson seemed 🤔 out of his depth, a light weight conversationalist as opposed to an intellectual, fully aware of the weight… and freight of each word. Does the West have ANY politicians of similar gravitas, knowledge and grasp of Real Politic? No. I look at Australia and weep.

  14. Gene Avatar

    Shamefully, a 2-hour interview turned blind eye and ignored the ongoing mass murder (transparent Genocide) of unarmed Palestinian women and children by the Jewz in Israel. More than 30,000 innocent Palestinians, including 18,000 children and babies were killed by Jewish terrorists. Mr Putin had nothing to say except that Jews were the “victims” of the German Nazis, which is BS, and he knows it.
    It is typical Russian. Russian politicians are addicted to begging (the West). They continue to live in an empty illusion of being part of the “West family”, which is a load of BS. Europeans, without exception hate Russia and and everything Russian. Europeans are racist entities. Racism is deeply incorporated in their genetics makeup. No European wants to do anything with Russia, except buying cheap Russian gas and oil.

    1. joey_n Avatar

      Europeans are racist entities. Racism is deeply incorporated in their genetics makeup.

      How is that not racist in of itself?

      Europeans, without exception hate Russia and and everything Russian.

      No European wants to do anything with Russia, except buying cheap Russian gas and oil.

      Care to provide evidence to back this up?

      1. AussieManDust Avatar

        CBDCs… nothing. WEF/UN “useless eaters”… nothing. Zionist Genocide… nothing. WWIII… NOTHING.

      2. Gene Avatar

        Look around you> your European heroes ravaged an ruined the rest of the world using exploitation coupled withh mass murder of population, mostly dark skin population.

        1. joey_n Avatar

          I don’t see how your example proves anything. They are neither my heroes nor are they heroes in any sense of the term.
          At the end of the day, racism is racism regardless of who the aggressor and the victim are. It’s not a one-way street.

  15. AussieManDust Avatar

    Zero mention of the Zionist Jews committing Genocide against an entire, apparently invisible, people. (BTW; They are called Palestinians) … Jews 1 World 0.

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