Depression, thy name is Biden/Trump

A clash of dinosaurs marks the end of empire

By Bill Astore

Joe Biden versus Donald Trump, again. That’s America’s choice in 2024.

Biden is mainly running to “save democracy” from Trump as well as on abortion rights. Trump is running on a MAGA platform that includes stopping the flow of “illegals” into America. You’re going to hear a lot about Biden’s age and Trump’s alleged designs for a dictatorship. Depression, thy name is Biden/Trump.

The presence of third-party candidates might enliven the race. Jill Stein is running again for the Green Party. She has good ideas but virtually no chance. Robert Kennedy Jr. may cause some excitement. especially if he chooses former governor Jesse Ventura as his running mate. Americans, unexcited by the Biden/Trump repeat, could conceivably vote in large numbers for RFK Jr.

As grim as the Biden/Trump repeat is, it does capture the end of the American empire. I’ve been reading an interesting book: “The Leading Man: Hollywood and the Presidential Image,” by Burton Peretti. Image may not be everything for a U.S. president, but it surely is vitally important. Biden and Trump capture something of the essence of America today. Biden, obviously in decline, is thoroughly obedient to corporate and banking entities, special interests like AIPAC, and the military-industrial complex. He is the “nothing will fundamentally change” guy.

If Biden were a dinosaur, he’d be a steady, stolid, past-his-prime triceratops.

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Trump, with all his bluster, his boasting, his bragging, his bullying, is the image of a swaggering imperium that refuses to recognize its time has come and gone. Self-involved, bent on vengeance, spoiling for a fight against his enemies, real and perceived, he is the image of an angry America blinded by perceived slights and grievances, always demanding respect rather than earning it.

If Trump were a dinosaur, he’d be a predatory, angry, carnage-seeking T-rex.

Trump and Biden frame the other as a danger to democracy when it’s the both of them who demonstrate democracy is just a sham. More than half of Americans said in 2021 they didn’t want to see a Biden/Trump rematch in 2024, but here we are. The DNC acted to ensure Biden had no real challenger and the RNC sold its soul to Trump, who has an ability to connect with people because he occasionally blurts out an uncomfortable truth, even as he’s spinning his usual con.

One thing is certain: It’s very difficult to reform entrenched power bureaucracies, especially when we’re given an illusion of “choice,” Biden or Trump. And when we’re so heavily propagandized to believe that we still have a democracy and that the biggest threats come from Russia and China.

As Yoda the Jedi Master once said, “You must unlearn what you have learned.” America needs to unlearn the idea that we’re a democracy, that we have choice, and it needs to learn the biggest threat to America is from within, partly our largely unaccountable government and partly a system that places nearly all the power in the hands of those with the most money.

How to effect a democratic awakening, without shedding barrels of blood, is a question for the ages. One thing is certain: no awakening is coming from either Biden or Trump. Both will ensure the further decline of the American empire; the problem is that, as empires decline, they tend to lash out militarily, in desperation, mistaking military action for a resurgence in strength and vitality.

Biden or Trump: Neither man has what it takes to manage the decline of the U.S. imperium. Neither man has the wisdom, the vision, the fortitude, to imagine a new path forward for America. Both men, in their own way, are dinosaurs.

It’s Triceratops Biden versus T-rex Trump. What drama! But both men are fossils—dinosaurs, after all, are extinct, much like democracy in America.

Via Bracing Views

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19 responses to “Depression, thy name is Biden/Trump”

  1. Alfonso Bedoya Avatar
    Alfonso Bedoya

    Talk about a recurring NIGHTMARE, this is the grandaddy of them all!!!

  2. scrdmgl Avatar

    I’m fully confident in the belief that Master Trump will finish the job of bringing down America House of Cards, started by the continuum Obama-Biden administrations.
    Believe me that either by the same or similar methods, is a future written in the cards.
    Let’s pray that becomes a reality for the good and future of the whole planet.

    1. Woopy Avatar

      The US government trajectory towards failure can be traced to Woodrow Wilson and earlier. Remember, Wilson was the one that gave the US economy to the Jewish bankers and honored the illegal Balfour agreement giving the US military to the British Zionists.

      1. Alfonso Bedoya Avatar
        Alfonso Bedoya

        Woopy, the worst thing for America about the Balfour Declaration of 1917, was that it cost over 100,000 American lives during WW1. These men died fighting for British and Zionist Jew interests, not for the interests of America. To make a long story short, the Zionist Jews wanted Palestine and the Brits had it. So, the Jews, at the behest of the Rothschilds, approached the Brits and offered, very generously, to get America into the war to help them defeat the Germans, if they would let them have Palestine to set up a homeland for the Jewish people. The rest is history. The Brits won, the Germans lost, and the Jews ended up with Palestine.

        What did America end up with…a net loss of 116,708 American lives!!!

        1. scrdmgl Avatar

          The same forces and interests are at play today, however history only allows so much artificial manipulation but at the end settles the score back to normality. Is a never ending process that never fails. Shouldn’t we admire Rome’s Pax Romana that lasted for 600 years? That record will never be surpassed by its duration and accomplishments that still influence the world after 1500 years. Jurisprudence, aqueducts and roads that still serve a purpose today, seven floors buildings in a city with one million people 2000 years ago, the Coliseum, etc., etc. Beyond credible but still true despite excesses and eventual decadence. The closest that anybody came was the British Empire, that copied many of Rome’s methods. Compared to those samples America soon to collapse effort, is amateurish and brutal without ever being civilized.

          1. Alfonso Bedoya Avatar
            Alfonso Bedoya

            Being of Italian descent, I’m a great admirer of ancient Rome. And, you’re right, given the historical context within which these remarkable accomplishments occurred, to say nothing of its longevity, I too, believe ancient Rome will never be equaled. In virtually all fields of endeavor, they were light years ahead of everyone else, hence, their remarkable dominance!

        2. scrdmgl Avatar

          Alfonso: I’m also of Italian heritage too from Catanzaro, Calabria where my ancestors were born. To tell you the truth despite Europe’s sordid imperial past, still is the center of western civilization. As a Canadian I still feel that Europe is my point of reference and cultural attachment. In Canada the one and only place with a superior European environment and culture is Quebec. Unfortunately, the rest of the country has been absorbed in every sense by America since the end of WWII. Bad news all around.

          1. Alfonso Bedoya Avatar
            Alfonso Bedoya

            It’s always a pleasure to encounter a fellow Italian! Personally, I consider European history to be far more spectacular than it is sordid. And it is definitely still the center of western civilization. I, too, am proud of and identify with my European ancestry. You’re lucky you still have a bit of European culture left in Quebec. Here in thoroughly Judaized Zionist America, there is nothing left worth mentioning. As far as Canada being absorbed by America goes, you don’t need me to tell you that America kills everything it touches!
            Best regards,

  3. Woopy Avatar

    The propaganda speaks about the US, Israel, and others being democracies. In fact the US has never been a democracy and for sure the apartheid white supremacy of Israel has never been a democracy. The US is owned and operated by oligarchs and mostly a plutocracy. Israel is a government of white supremist genocidal whackos.

    1. Sam Avatar


  4. Sam Avatar

    It’s just what America didn’t want:

    Thanks to Americans, voting no longer works. We are a democracy in name only, as a result of our refusal as citizens to take the responsibilities a democracy demands. What are those responsibilities? If you don’t know, you prove my point.

    That’s why we deserve what we get.

  5. Sol Avatar

    Vote for Tom. Screw the rest. Take the Genocide joe “Special offer” and vote without you ID at multiple voting stations. Only in America and for limited time only. “Possibly”
    Here my last eye opener, updated.

    To make sure you got the latest version you can click on it directly from my homepage.
    Warning it may hurt your feelings and you may learn something which you did not want to know which in turn will make you really angry, specially for those of you who serves.

  6. Jerry Alatalo Avatar

    “King Running out of Patience!” (Biden) against “Emperor WarpSpeed Savior!” (Trump)…

    Americans would do well to give serious consideration to any other presidential candidate than the two mRNA bioweapons pusher Kingpins…

  7. peskyvera Avatar

    Empires come…empires go. Nothing is forever. As for “democracy”…it expired long time ago, killed by big business, the oligarchs, etc. The ‘will of the people’ usurped…

  8. doug Avatar

    The entire US matrix needs to collapse before reconstruction can begin. The younger generation, with their cell phone interconnectedness and a root hog or die mandate left by previous generations, will turn the decline around and reinvent civilization. Maybe consciousness will evolve a few clicks to help the process along.

    1. Alfonso Bedoya Avatar
      Alfonso Bedoya

      “The entire US matrix needs to collapse before reconstruction can begin.”

      Doug, that is an excellent comment and one that I completely agree with. In fact, I would go as far as to say that the US is dead already…America is a dead man walking! As to whether civilization can be reinvented, one thing is certain, if consciousness does not evolve at least a few clicks, the attempt is sure to fail, or give us something even worse! Of course, that presupposes, that after the collapse, there will be something left to work with. If the collapse involves nuclear war with Russia, there may very well be nothing left to salvage!

  9. doug Avatar

    Human evolution is a continuing process with many failures written into the successes. As the older generations die off, more and more problems will be left to the younger people. There are a certain number of culls within all age groups, but there are young people with good ideas, fresh energy and good intentions. Getting past being human with greed and selfishness and violence cooked into the DNA is a problem, but maybe the degraded planet wide emergencies will stimulate people to think in new ways. IF not, then Homo sapiens have peaked out and another species will take its place.

    1. Alfonso Bedoya Avatar
      Alfonso Bedoya

      I agree that evolution is not a linear process, nor can the process be sped up by artificial means. Evolution happens in its own good time, and Homo sapiens may, as a species, be out of time! The caterpillar may not have time to become a butterfly, even though the genetic potential is there. However, to my mind, the crux of the matter is, as you mentioned, “getting past being human with greed and selfishness and violence cooked into the DNA.” We don’t like to admit it, but we are, via DNA, hardwired for survival and survival alone, no matter what it takes. And, even more distasteful to our would-be civilized sensibilities, the aforementioned unpopular traits are a big part of the reason why Homo sapiens, as a species, has survived this long. This may prove to be an insurmountable obstacle that will take more than just “good ideas, fresh energy and good intentions” to overcome, it may require a bit of good luck! Which I believe has, at times, enabled various species, including our own, to stay in the game and continue to evolve.

      The universe is vast and filled with endless possibilities, both here on planet earth and beyond, which I find exhilarating and, at the same time, comforting! Despite the fact that I’m well aware that the so-called Human race may not survive its present global crisis. After all, nothing lasts forever, even the planetary bodies, such as our earth and sun, have a lifespan, they are not eternal…the one constant in the universe is incessant change itself!

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