Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson: US As Guilty As Israel For Gaza Assault

By Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson

Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson discussed the ongoing genocide in Gaza, which he states is being brutally perpetrated with the political, military, and financial backing of the US.

Additionally, Mr. Wilkerson addressed other significant foreign policy concerns, including the potential for escalating conflicts in Europe and the Middle East involving key players such as Israel, the US, Iran, Hezbollah, Ansar Allah (the Houthis), as well as US policies towards China and Taiwan.

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7 responses to “Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson: US As Guilty As Israel For Gaza Assault”

  1.  Avatar

    This is new. An American with a conscience who actually thinks other Americans should have a conscience also. Amazing.

  2. summitflyer Avatar

    Thank you Colonel Wikerson .Words that needed to be said ,to an American audience
    to boot .So true.

  3.  Avatar

    Col Wilkerson is a rare honorable man. Bravo!

  4.  Avatar

    Powerful words that are deeply moving. What in God’s name are we going to do about our country?

  5.  Avatar

    Why does it have to get to this, to see the evil in their actions. When the race for president is between to sex abusers and money laundering creeps, and american’s and the world still give them time to continue with their strategy. Society is participating in these atrocities. Don’t tell me that with all the lawyers and judges on this planet, they have no balls or backbone to stop this shit show. They put women in parliament and high places as if they ever cared in the first place. These creeps have wives, daughters and sons.
    Equality between men and women is not in the gender but in the expression of responsibilities and talents, that we hold as individuals and collectively, for the benefit not just of ourselves but all existence. The depth of our intelligence, is matched by our depth of caring. A s a society we have failed miserably in all these departments. Keep on investing in gold and shares while the world falls apart, the money will come in handy when you run out of toilet paper, while sitting on your gold toilet.

    1.  Avatar

      Simply stating…Amerika got what they deserve….Period

      1.  Avatar

        If it was just Amerika it would be their period. That’s a cheap shot to say, when the consequences are so vast. Obviously not on you.

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