Let Israel’s Leaders Get Arrested for War Crimes

By Gideon Levy

All decent Israelis must ask themselves the following questions: Is their country committing war crimes in Gaza? If so, how should they be stopped? How should the culprits be punished? Who can punish them? Is it reasonable for crimes to go unprosecuted and criminals to be exculpated?

One may, of course, reply in the negative to the first question – Israel is not committing any war crimes in Gaza – thereby rendering the rest of the questions superfluous.

But how can one answer in the negative in the face of the facts and the situation in Gaza: about 35,000 people killed and another 10,000 missing, about two-thirds of them innocent civilians, according to the Israel Defense Forces; among the dead are around 13,000 children, nearly 400 medical workers and more than 200 journalists; 70 percent of homes have been destroyed or damaged; 30 percent of children suffer from acute malnutrition; two people in 10,000 die each day from starvation and disease. (All figures are from the United Nations and international organizations.)

Is it possible that these horrific figures came to be without the commission of war crimes? There are wars whose cause is just and whose means are criminal; the justice of the war does not justify its crimes. Killing and destruction, starvation and displacement on this scale could not have occurred without the commission of war crimes. Individuals are responsible for them, and they must be brought to justice.

Israeli hasbara, or public diplomacy, does not try to deny the reality in Gaza. It only makes the claim of antisemitism: Why pick on us? What about Sudan and Yemen? The logic doesn’t hold: A driver who is stopped for speeding won’t get off by arguing that he’s not the only one. The crimes and the criminals remain. Israel will never prosecute anyone for these offenses. It never has, neither for its wars nor its occupation. On a good day, it will prosecute a soldier who stole some Palestinian’s credit card.

But the human sense of justice wants to see criminals brought to justice and prevented from committing crimes in the future. By this logic, we can only hope that the International Criminal Court in The Hague will do its job.

Every Israeli patriot and everyone who cares about the good of the state should wish for this. This is the only way that Israel’s moral standard, according to which it is permitted everything, will change. It is not easy to hope for the arrest of the heads of your state and your army, and even more difficult to admit it publicly, but is there any other way to stop them?

The killing and destruction in Gaza has gotten Israel in way over its head. It is the worst catastrophe the state has ever faced. Someone led it there – no, not antisemitism, but rather its leaders and military officers. If not for them, it wouldn’t have turned so quickly after October 7 from a cherished country that inspired compassion into a pariah state.

Someone must stand trial for this. Just as many Israelis want Benjamin Netanyahu to be punished for the corruption of which he is accused, so should they wish for him and the perpetrators subordinate to him to be punished for much more serious crimes, the crimes of Gaza.

They cannot be allowed to go unpunished. Nor is it possible to blame only Hamas, even if it has a part in the crimes. We are the ones who killed, starved, displaced, and destroyed on such a massive scale. Someone must be brought to justice for this. Netanyahu is the head, of course. The picture of him imprisoned in The Hague together with the defense minister and the IDF chief of staff is the stuff of nightmares to every Israeli. And yet, it is probably warranted.

It is highly unlikely, however. The pressure being exerted on the court by Israel and the United States are enormous (and wrong). But scare tactics can be important. If the officials actually refrain from traveling abroad in the next few years, if they actually live in fear of what may come, we can be sure that in the next war, they’ll think twice before sending the military on campaigns of death and destruction of such insane proportions. We can find a little comfort in that, at least.

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25 responses to “Let Israel’s Leaders Get Arrested for War Crimes”

  1. frotasaf Avatar

    I am very disappointed – I believed, all my life, that international institutions like UN or International Court have some real power – now I know it is all fake, they have no power at all.
    What a sad joke is a confirmation that state with more power and $$ can do whatever it likes.

  2.  Avatar

    Come on! They have the power, they’re just cowards !

  3. johnbcpa66 Avatar

    Since when is it genocide to protect yourself from a sworn enemy, Hamas? The Palestinians are led by Hamas. They hide their leaders and believe that a terrorist group serves their best interests. In a all out war, the US ally would only be Israel. I believe that Israel’s policy is to minimize collateral damage. There is no other nation that is criticized as much for defending itself which includes getting rid of the Hamas threat.

    1.  Avatar

      You are so ignorant!

      1.  Avatar

        this can not be called ignorance anymore
        this is not defending (lawyers do that) this is justifying criminals…. criminals do that!

    2.  Avatar

      You know nothing.

    3.  Avatar

      Legally and technically, Israel does NOT have a “right to self-defense’, being a military occupier of other peoples’ land! And Hamas, legally and technically, is a RESISTANCE movement, not a “terrorist” group, fighting against said occupation. Have a clue!

    4. Gray M. STANTON Avatar

      ATTENTION: johnbcpa66

      1. Your comment illustrates absolute ignorance.

      2. I strongly suggest you go and listen to this below podcast link and learn a thing or two (2) about the Jews in general.

      3. https://qed.exposed/


      Gray M. STANTON.

    5.  Avatar

      Israel does not have the right to exist. Read:

      Israel’s Right To Exist? By Alan Hart

      “….The truth of the time was that the Zionist state, which came into being mainly as a consequence of pre-planned ethnic cleansing, had no right to exist and, more to the point, could have no right to exist UNLESS … Unless it was recognised and legitimized by those who were dispossessed of their land and their rights during the creation of the Zionist state. In international law only the Palestinians could give Israel the legitimacy it craved. And that legitimacy was the only thing the Zionists could not and cannot take from the Palestinians by force……”

  4.  Avatar

    “If not for them, it would not have turned so quickly after Oct. 7th, from a cherished country that inspired compassion, to a pariah state.”
    israel is an illegal entity, an apartheid, racist state, controlled by maniacal, messianic fascists, which has been genocidal since its inception and long before that. When has it ever inspired compassion? It breeds white supremacy and hate towards any non zionist.

    1. Jacinto Molina Avatar
      Jacinto Molina

      The supremacy of Israel is not white supremacy, it is, first and foremost, Jewish supremacy…there is a big difference. Judaism is a supremacist religion based on the belief that the Jews alone, of all the peoples of the earth, have a covenant with God and were chosen by God, because they are a truly exceptional people, far superior to the Goyim. The Jews of three thousand years ago, who most certainly were not white believed this, and the so-called white Jews of today believe it as well…nothing has changed except the color of their skin…they are still supremacists of the worst sort, and it is because of their religion not the color of their skin!

      I’m tired of people conflating white supremacism with Jewish supremacism. The Jews are the most anti-white tribe on the planet…they hate white gentiles beyond endurance, and they are working 24/7 to destroy western civilization (and, if you haven’t noticed, they are succeeding), which was created by white gentiles who can trace their ancestry to Europe! The worst and most privileged supremacists on the face of the earth are, by far, the Jewish supremacists and their gargantuan sense of entitlement due to their imaginary chosen status…they can cheat you, but you can’t cheat them; they are above the law, but you are not; they can boycott you, but you can’t boycott them; they can kill you, but you can’t kill them…ad nauseum!!!

      1. Woopy Avatar

        The problem with your theory is that we all know the white people who are illegally occupying Palestine are not chosen by God for anything. We’ve known that for many hundred years. So all that remains is a white Mafia that also knows that they aren’t chosen by God. They are in fact white supremists. The Semitic Jews have been living in peace for hundreds of years.

        1. Jacinto Molina Avatar
          Jacinto Molina

          I’m an atheist and, to my mind, no one is chosen by an imaginary God…that’s just a religious fairy tale. However, Judaism is a supremacist religion that encourages its adherents…whether they are brown, black or white, whether they believe in God or not…to stick closely together and feel far superior to the Goyim (non-Jews). They all identify as Jews first, and they cherish and are proud of their Jewish identity; even pale creatures like Blinken and Bibi…haven’t you heard how often Bibi refers to Iran as Amalek (short for the Amalekites); that’s right out of the Old Testament. The nonwhite Semitic Jews who are the stars of the Old Testament (which I’ve read cover to cover) were all supremacists who were as incapable of living at peace with their gentile neighbors (a fact to which the Old Testament attests from cover to cover), as the so-called white Jews of today! The Semitic Jews who lived in peace for hundreds of years, side-by-side with Muslims and Christians in Palestine…that is until the Zionists showed up in the early 20th century and ruined everything…were a very small community and, as far as Jews go, they were certainly the exception, not the rule!

          Woopy, believe me, I’m on your side…keep up the good work!

  5. brianajnz Avatar

    War crimes in 2024?
    We go back to 1947 and 1948 when Israel murdered, dispossessed or drove Palestinians from their country. Refer to:
    1. The Ethnic Cleansing Of Palestine by Ilan Pappe
    2. All That Remains edited by Walid Khalidi

    The Israelis destroyed over 500 Palestinian villages.

    Other books by Pappe
    And by Shlomo Sand. The Invention Of The Jewish People.

    The Armenian Genocide is another touchy subject.

    No one mentions the Bolsheviks and the Holodomor famine

  6. Sol Avatar

    The Genocide started before 1947.
    The UN has been its enforcer ever since.
    Whitewashing and justifying by calling obvious war crime alleged, and Genocide as plausible.
    Bulshitting about a two state solution for then blocking any resolution which would make it possible, pretending to be against the massacre of civilians and arming the Genocidal ones with 2000 pounds bombs knowing that it uses them on urban areas and defenseless civil targets.
    War is peace? War is not peace, and self defense is not attacking first, but this are the claims of Genocidal people which have no care for anything or anybody hider then them selfs.
    Am army which’s slogan is : by ways of deception do war, is an army of terrorists which aim is war.
    Believing in them is akin to say you are willing to believe someone who tells you he is going to lie to you.
    Ho let’s not forget this hider, there is even those jewish Palestinians which have lived on that that land since the beginning of time, they are also being slaughtered along the Muslims and Christians in Gaza and in the rest of Palestine.
    Time to face the fact, zionism is the most barbaric and brutal expression of antisemitism
    Allowing freedom to war criminals, means allowing warcrimes.
    By the look of things now, Israelis need their carnation revolution.
    Peace comes only after after the guns are made silent.

    1. rosross Avatar

      This colonial war waged by Europeans against Palestine began in the early 1800’s when plans were made to colonise Palestine with Jews. The Zionists, who invented themselves in the 1890’s drew on these earlier colonial plans and expanded them. They began seeding Palestine with Jews and advertising for colonists, Jews of course, around the world. From 1900 there were hundreds of advertisements and newspaper stories, warning that 6 million Jews would die in Europe if the plans to colonise Palestine were not supported. Perhaps the Zionists were psychic.

      All we do know is bullying, bribery, deceit and money was laying the foundation for this colonial war nearly 200 years ago. The Jewish terrorist gangs went on a bloody rampage from 1943, paving the way for the genocidal invasion of ethnic cleansing by the Zionist forces in 1947. Since then the Israelis have inflicted the longest holocaust in modern history on Palestine and what must rank as one of the most bestial, sadistic, barbaric, cruel, brutal, evil genocidal colonial ethnic cleansings in history fullstop.

      1. Sol Avatar

        Actually the rampage started in 1933 with the havaara or transfer agreement.
        Deal made between the zionists and the nazi which helped the zionists to move to Palestine with weapons and money.
        It was then that the zionists begun their ethnic cleansing of Palestine and to round up and massacre the pore and new jews which the zionists did not want to allow to move from Europe to Palestine. Records also show about the “jewish soldiers of hitler”, 150000 of them proven by records “although real number according to historian over half million of them”, they snitch on the jews round them up and sent them to be used as slaves for the war factories of World War II. “building weapons tanks and cars for both sides of the conflict”
        Also, the official number of the jews which died in prison and work camps according to the Red Cross was under 300000, the 6 million number is a myth and as never been proven.
        The UN is a rockafeller invention, and rockafeller is just a subsidiary for the rothshit which is the founder of the apartheid wannabe state.
        The supremacists eugenist love zionism because makes them feel normal as they are pushing for their Genocidal mass extermination program.
        Its a shame how the corruption have murdered the American dream, once land of the free, now land of the digital dystopia slaves and genocide enablers.
        From a country with the best constitution and bill of rights, to the one of the wef and of its Genocidal cabal.
        The US needs its carnation revolution, and it needs it now.

    2. rosross Avatar

      Zionism is totally anti-semitic. It was created by atheists who have milked Jews for their money to promote their colonial plans in Palestine. The early Zionists despised the Jews in Europe for not fighting back and have founded their state on fear and violence.

  7.  Avatar

    Why is it not possible to translate in Nederlands (Dutch)?

    1.  Avatar

      maybe Afrikans? “-)

  8. Maynka Avatar

    “we can find a little comfort in that at least.”
    What comfort you speak of? Innocent children are being butchered to no end.

  9. Maynka Avatar


  10. Maynka Avatar

    “there are wars whose cause is just………”
    Wars are never just! We justify it by labeling it, in the name of freedom, democracy, etc. but in truth it is murder of innocent civilians, an atrocity on humanity. We try to justify our position by calling ourselves an organized military force and we continue to wipe out humanity.

  11. rosross Avatar

    Perhaps a mighty wind will blow across crucified Palestine, carrying the stench and dust of death, blood, shit, piss and the thousands of rotting bodies, into the faces of the Israelis that they may gag on their evil.

  12. Siden04 Avatar

    ‘They cannot be allowed to go unpunished. Nor is it possible to blame only Hamas, even if it has a part in the crimes. We are the ones who killed, starved, displaced, and destroyed on such a massive scale. Someone must be brought to justice for this. Netanyahu is the head, of course.’

    It is futile to punish such odious individuals whilst ignoring the vicious conditions which made them possible. War criminals are not responsible for war, which is caused by the struggles between competing capitalist states over markets and economic resources. War will only end with the abolition of capitalism. The dictators of yesterday, and the dictators and leaders of today, with their frightening military machines, only reflect the preparedness of their workers to ignore the bloodshed of all the conflicts before, during and after the war to end all wars and still to die for capitalism.

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